2.5. (Optional) MySQL Client for Ranger

Ranger offers a centralized security framework, including security policy administration: authorization, accounting, and data protection. It is an optional component. Ranger requires MySQL. If you plan to install Ranger, complete the following steps before installing HDP:

  1. Install MySQL Client.

  2. Add the path to mysql.exe to your system PATH variable.

  3. Set the JAVA_HOME variable to the installed JDK version; for example, $ENV:JAVA_HOME="c:\Java\jdk1.7.0_67"

  4. Download the MySQL Connector Jar file.

  5. Copy the jar file into your installation folder:

    • If you plan to install Ranger using the MSI Setup GUI, copy the jar file into the folder containing the MSI.

    • If you plan to install Ranger using the command-line interface, copy the jar file into the folder containing your cluster properties file.

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