14. Configure Ranger Security

Apache Ranger delivers a comprehensive approach to security for a Hadoop cluster. It provides central security policy administration across the core enterprise security requirements of authorization, accounting, and data protection. For more information about requirements and settings, see Minimum System Requirements and Define Cluster Properties.

The Ranger Policy Manager and Ranger UserSync are installed in only one host (specified in the HDP Setup Ranger Host parameter); the Ranger plug-ins for corresponding components are installed wherever those components are installed.

Make sure that the MySQL database used by Ranger is set up to connect from any host in the cluster. For multiple hosts, set up the Ranger MySQL database to connect from any host in the cluster using the root password. To do this, enter:

grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' identified by 'RootPasswordHere' ;flush privileges;


In HDP v2.2, MySQL is the only database supported for use with Ranger.

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