Chapter 6. Validating the Installation

After the HDP Cluster installation is completed, run the provided smoke tests to validate the installation. These tests validate installed functionality by executing a set of tests for each HDP component.

  1. Create a smoketest user directory in HDFS, if one does not already exist:

    %HADOOP_HOME%\bin\hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/smoketestuser 
    %HADOOP_HOME%\bin\hdfs dfs -chown -R smoketestuser

  2. Open a command prompt and run the smoke tests as the hadoop user:

    runas /user:hadoop "cmd /K %HADOOP_HOME%\Run-SmokeTests.cmd" 

    You can also create a smoketest user in HDFS as described in Appendix:Adding a Smoketest User to this document, then run the tests as the smoketest user.

(Optional) If you installed Ranger, verify that the installation was successful using any or all of the following checks:

  1. Check whether the Database RANGER_ADMIN_DB_NAME is present in the MySQL server running on RANGER_ADMIN_DB_HOST

  2. Check whether the Database RANGER_AUDIT_DB_NAME is present in the MySQL server running on RANGER_AUDIT_DB_HOST

  3. Check whether the “ranger-admin” service is installed in services.msc

  4. Check whether the ranger-usersync service is installed in services.msc

  5. If you plan to use the Ranger Administration Console with the UserSync feature, check whether both services start.

  6. Go to the Ranger Administration Console host URL and make sure you can log in using the default user credentials.


    If you see installation failures for any HDP component, we recommend that you reinstall HDP.

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