10. (Optional) Install Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver

If you are using MS SQL Server for Hive and Oozie metastores, you must install the MS SQL Server JDBC driver after installing Hive or Oozie.

  1. Download the SQL JDBC JAR file sqljdbc_3.0.1301.101_enu.exe.

  2. Run the downloaded file.

    (By default, the SQL JDBC driver file is extracted at c:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 3.0.)

  3. Copy and paste:

    c:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 3.0\sqljdbc_3.0\enu\sqljdbc4.jar

    To HIVE_HOME/lib

    Where HIVE_HOME is set to D:\hadoop\hive-0.9.0).

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