10. Upgrade HBase

To upgrade HBase, run the following commands as the hadoop user at both the HBase Master and the RegionServers hosts:

  1. Start the Zookeeper service:

    sc start zkServer 

  2. Check for HFiles in V1 format.

    HBase 0.96.0 discontinues support for HFileV1, but HFileV1 was a common format prior to HBase 0.94. Before you upgrade, install the HBase 0.96 binaries on a separate host using the hbase-site.xml configutaion file from the running HBase 0.94 binaries. Then check for V1-format files as follows:

    1. Download the 0.94.24+ HBase tarball in a machine.

    2. Point its configuration file to a 0.94 cluster.

    3. Check for HFiles in V1 format:

      ./bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.HFileV1Detector -p hbase-root-data-path

    4. In the results, if "Count of HFileV1" returns any files, start the HBase shell a use major compaction for regions that have FHFileV1 format.

  3. Upgrade HBase.

    %HBASE_HOME%\bin\hbase.cmd upgrade -execute 

    If the command completes successfully, you should see a completed Znode upgrade with no errors.

  4. Start all REST HDP services.

    sc start rest

  5. If the Apache Hadoop REST service is disabled, run the following command to enable it:

    sc config name= rest start= demand 

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