Verify that no fail over is triggered on planned shutdown of the monitor service

This test verifies that if the monitor service is shut down the fail over is not triggered. The NameNode can now be manipulated as part of planned management operations.

  1. Start the NameNode VM and SSH to the NameNode VM.

  2. Terminate the monitor process.

    service hmonitor-namenode-monitor stop

    A kill -9 command for the monitor is not a graceful shutdown and will trigger fail over.

  3. Terminate the NameNode process.

    service hadoop-namenode stop
  4. Ensure that you see the following expected results:

    • In the vSphere Management UI, the NameNode VM should be live.

    • The fail over should not be initiated by vSphere.

    • In HAM, the NameNode status area should indicate offline status. The non-blocking operations should now report failure.

    • The SSH connection must not be broken and the VM should be live.

  5. Restart the monitor process.

    service hmonitor-namenode-monitor start
  6. Restart the NameNode process.

    service hadoop-namenode start
  7. The NameNode health should be monitored and failures should trigger fail over.