Verify that ESXi server failure triggers the fail over

This test verifies that the HA solution detects the failures of the physical hardware and also trigger fail overs.

  1. Start the NameNode VM in an ESXi server that is not running any other VMs.

  2. Run the HAM application configured to work against this NameNode.

  3. In the HAM, start blocking LS operations.

  4. Initiate a power down of the ESXi server.

  5. Ensure that you see the following expected results:

    • The main area should stop displaying new text - this indicates that the file system operations are blocked.

    • In the vSphere management UI, once the loss of the ESXi server is detected, the NameNode VM is re-instantiated on one of the remaining ESXi servers.

    • Once the NameNode service restarts, its status must be displayed in both the vSphere UI and in the status indicator of HAM.

    • The blocked LS operation started in HAM should now continue without failures.