3. Uninstall Security Agent

The same basic un-install steps apply to all Security Agents.

To un-install an XAAgent:

  1. Login to the host as the root user.

  2. Go to the /etc/xasecure directory for the type of agent you are uninstalling, that is either hdfs, hive or hbase:

    cd /etc/xasecure/$type
  3. Run the uninstaller script:


    The agent is removed from the system.

If the /etc/xasecure for the agent type does not exist, the agent can also be uninstalled using the installation package.

Use the following steps to uninstall Security Agent:

  1. Copy the install tar file to a temporary directory on the host (for example, /tmp/xasecure).

  2. Expand the tar file in to the temporary directory and go to that directory:

    cd /tmp/xasecure
    tar xvf xasecure$name-$buildversion.tar
  3. Run the un-install script in as follows:


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