10.9. Known Issues for WebHCat

  • BUG-16660: On Tez setup, Hive jobs in webhcat run in default mr mode even in Hive.

    Problem: Currently when we run Hive jobs through Webhcat we always run in MR mode even though we are running them in a cluster where Hive queries would have run in Tez mode. This is only on Linux installs. The problem here is that we run hive queries using hive.tar.gz on HDFS and specifying explicit hive configurations, here are the properties that we use in webhcat-site.xml:

    templeton.hive.pathvalue: hive.tar.gz/hive/bin/hive
    templeton.hive.homevalue: hive.tar.gz/hive
    templeton.hive.propertieshive.metastore.local=false, hive.metastore. uris=thrift://hivehost:9083, hive.metastore.sasl.enabled=false, hive.metastore.execute.setugi=true

    When the Hive command is run it builds the hiveconf from the templeton.hive.properties. To enable Tez we would need to atleast add "hive.execution.engine=tez" to templeton.hive.properties. On Windows this is not a problem because we use the local Hive installation.

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