3. Fixed in This Release

This release contains the following bug fixes:

Component Apache JIRA Bug No. Description
Accumulo ACCUMULO-3290 BUG-30625 ShellServerTest#listScans failed in 2.1-maint UT
Falcon OOZIE-1741 FALCON-357 BUG-28213 Falcon needs to use coord:dataInPartitions('input', 'hive-export') instead of coord:dataInPartitionFilter for hive export with multiple partition keys
Falcon FALCON-482 BUG-24967 Concurrently update/delete a process fails in Falcon
Flume N/A, Security Fix BUG-28516 Flume - Address Security Issues in Jetty 6.1.26
HBase HBASE-12467 BUG-30275 HBase Master is in active state but still its is not handling any client operations
HBase HBASE-12791 BUG-29998 HBase does not attempt to clean up an aborted SPLIT when the Regions Server is shutting down.
HBase HBASE-12533 BUG-28135 Staging directories are not deleted after secure bulk load
HBase HBASE-12319 BUG-30057 Inclusion ofHBASE-12319 onto 2.1-maint
HBase BUG-28682 HBase - Address Security Issues in Jetty 6.1.26
HDFS HDFS-7470 BUG-30297 Inclusion of HDFS-7470 in HDP-2.1 Maint
HDFS HDFS-7005 BUG-29743 Backport HDFS-7005 into 2.1-maint
HDFS HDFS-7503 BUG-29088 NameNode restart after a large deletion could cause slow processReport.
HDFS HDFS-7385 BUG-28668 Potential incorrect ACLs for clusters that enable Default ACL
HDFS HDFS-6621 BUG-29911 Hadoop Balancer prematurely exits iterations
HDFS HDFS-7560 BUG-29479 ACLs removed by removeDefaultAcl() will be back after NameNode restart/failover
Hive HIVE-8371 BUG-27162 After upgrade from HDP 2.1.3 > 2.1.7 Hive jobs failing with NPE related to PTFs and null values - Tez & MR
Hive HIVE-6679 BUG-21861 HiveServer2 should support TCP Keepalive & Server Socket Timeout on blocking calls
Hive HIVE-6468 BUG-21861 Vectorization to_date(timestamp column) returns incorrect values ORC table
Hive HIVE-6468 BUG-21946 HiveServer2 (tcp mode, with SASL layer) OOMs when getting a non-thrift message
Hive HIVE-9168 BUG-28168 Vectorization coalesce gives wrong result, or ArrayOutofIndex error
Hive HIVE-8732 BUG-27248 ORC string statistics are not merged correctly
Hive HIVE-7270 BUG-29571 Serde info is not shown in show create table statement, but shows in the desc table
Hive HIVE-8295 BUG-27301 directSQL with Oracle metastore fails with error ORA-01795, Maximum number of expression can not be more than 1000
Hive HIVE-7764 BUG-28870 Hive on Tez query output duplicate rows when there is explode in subqueries for joins
Hive HIVE-8719 BUG-22746 HiveServer2 should support non-kerberos authentication (LDAP or LDAP+kerberos) on a secure cluster.
Hive HIVE-9359 BUG-24087 load data or insert into partition changes partition location previously defined.
Hive HIVE-9053 BUG-24531 Hive export OOM error when table is huge. (32TB data, 4800+ partitions)
Hive HIVE-9359 BUG-29272 2.1 maint port HIVE-9053 (Data Correctness Problem)
Hive HIVE-7203 BUG-28765 Optimize limit 0 - backport to 2.1-maint and for Teradata request
Hive HIVE-7943 BUG-28763 hive.security.authorization.createtable.owner.grants is ineffective with Default Authorization
Hive HIVE-7473 BUG-25815 getPrimitiveJavaObject() throws NPE with NULL decimal values
Hive HIVE-8560 BUG-25896 3rd party SerDes do not get table properties during initialize()
Hue N/A BUG-26462 Remove Visualizations from Hue/Hive query results
Hue N/A BUG-28340 Security scan -- Hue Web application is vulnerable for XML External Entity Processing (XXE) attacks in the Oozie Workflow
Hue N/A BUG-28341 Security scan -- Horizontal escalation (Can view others jobs through Hue interface)
Hue N/A BUG-24916 Hue job browser throws an error when clicking view all tasks for a job that has many tasks
Knox KNOX-459 BUG-26393 Knox user hitting the ulimit and return 500 error code
Knox KNOX-464 BUG-28352 Knox not returning proper redirection url when executing file creation/upload operation via load balancer.
Knox KNOX-464 BUG-27211 Knox not returning proper redirection url when executing file creation/upload operation via load balancer.
Knox BUG-25774 Knox vulnerable to Poodle Attack - Baikal Backport
Oozie OOZIE-2034 BUG-26575 Oozie vulnerable to Poodle Attack
Pig PIG-4080 PIG-3802 PIG-3765 PIG-4215 PIG-3765 PIG-3806 BUG-28642 Backport pig.blacklist feature to 2.1-maint
Ranger N/A BUG-30379 XA Secure does not allow to modify existing policies, gives, error "Policy already exists"
Ranger N/A BUG-27540 When Hive server is configured as doAs=false, then XA gets "hive" as the user for all queries
Ranger N/A BUG-29537 Disable EclipseLink logs in policy admin
Ranger N/A BUG-29177 security loophole: jdbc client can do hdfs commands with 'hive' user privileges when Hiveserver2 doAs=false in xasecure setup
Ranger N/A BUG-30060 Change the default audit-mode for ranger plugins to async for better audit log performance
Ranger N/A BUG-28606 Hive Component in Ranger doesn't completely reconnect to HiveServer2 after HS2 is restarted in the background
Ranger N/A BUG-28597 When you install uxugsync for Ranger v (3.5.001) the symlink /usr/lib/uxugsync is not created.
Tez TEZ-1342 BUG-28767 tez.am.client.am.port-range not taking effect - backport to 2.1 per request
YARN CVE-2014-3627 BUG-29634 Security fix forCVE-2014-3627 in HDP 2.1
YARN BUG-28771 Jobs submitted that require 2 mappers and 32 reducers to a 16-node cluster causing a "deadlock" situation

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