3. Fixed in This Release

This release contains the following bug fixes:

  • BUG-23914 [FALCON-357] Falcon needs to use coord:dataInPartitions('input', 'hive-export') instead of coord:dataInPartitionFilter for Hive export with multiple partition keys

  • BUG-24084 [FALCON-357] Falcon job fails with error: line 1:101 missing ) at 'to' near '<EOF>' org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.ParseException: line 1:38 missing ( at 'fraud_src_sys_name' near '<EOF>' line 1:101 missing ) at 'to' near '<EOF>'

  • BUG-24188 [FALCON-357] Falcon Hive import job fails with FAILED: ParseException line 2:49 missing ( at 'fraud_src_sys_name' near ''2014-10-02'' in drop partition statement line 2:111 mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting ) near ''2014-10-02'' in drop partition statement

  • BUG-25100 [FALCON-753] When you try to delete a process there is a permissions denied error delaying the logs in the staging directory

  • BUG-24053 [FLUME-2397] Flume v1. ships async-1.3.1.jar and asynchbase-1.4.1.jar which are not compatible with HBase v0.

  • BUG-24483 [KNOX-439] Knox fails with Null Pointer Exception when port is NOT specified

  • BUG-22500 [HIVE-6799] Hiveserver2 kerberos http mode JDBC client fails with GSS exception when user principal not in user@LOCAL_HADOOP_REALM format

  • BUG-24465 [HDFS-6914] (2.1) OIV tool at HDP 2.1.5 requires high heap to process fsimage.

  • BUG-24441 [HIVE-7027] Hive query view using "lateral view explode" function on the base table. When you query on the view with a column that is in one of the struct field, it throws error "cannot find field error"

  • BUG-19411 [HIVE-7282] Null map values in ORC table gives PIG error ERROR 6018: Error converting read value to tuple

  • BUG-22738 [HIVE-7353] HiveServer2 leaks JDOPersistenceManager. While running multiple queries through Beeline, many JDOPersistenceManager objects get accumulated (and as reported in hive-user list, eventually causing an OOM). They linger on even after the parent session is closed. This happens specifically for describe/show/load queries.

  • BUG-23976 [HIVE-7426] Backport HIVE-7426 to HDP 2.1 to fix when a query returns the error "org.apache.hadoop.io.IntWritable cannot be cast to org.apache.hadoop.io.Text "

  • BUG-21301 [HIVE-7846] When user created Hive security role, case is all converted to lower case.

  • BUG-23818 [HIVE-7971] Not able to update decimal type on partitioned data in Hive 13

  • BUG-22935 [ HIVE-8151] Insert overwrite table dynamic partitioning generates wrong data when query has GROUP BY clause on partition column with hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition=true

  • BUG-23850 [HIVE-8298] UDFToDouble cast called for int type data field in join queries, or predicate filtered wrong on multi-join queries, resulting in wrong results

  • BUG-24407 [HIVE-8386] HCAT API call is case sensitive on fields in Array column, causing Falcon failure.

  • BUG-24872 [HIVE-8434] Hive vectorization group by on date type partition of ORC table returns NULL for date type column value

  • BUG-24203 [HIVE-8475] Query fails with cannot find index table when table name is prefixed with database.

  • BUG-24409 [HUE] Coordinators actions do not appear because of OOZIE-1481 which changed the Oozie coordinator API, need to add len=-1 parameter in order to obtain actions.

  • BUG-24753 [HUE] After creating a workflow in Hue with FS action and running the workflow - receiving the IllegalArgumentException: Pathname is not a valid DFS filename.

    BUG-21783 [HUE] Error when deleting to trash since other user cached in thread

    BUG-24587 [HUE] User admin page on hue throwing Error 500 due to single left quote (u'\u2018') as unicode.

  • BUG-23499 [PIG-4195] Add VARCHAR data type to be supported in Pig

  • BUG-23687 [OOZIE-2047] Oozie coordiantor job got killed with below error, when the input hive table has a column type timestamp.

  • BUG-23842 [OOZIE-1741] Oozie job fails with error: FAILED: ParseException line 1:65 mismatched input 'AND' expecting ) near ''Zeus'' in export statement

  • BUG-24926 [OOZIE-1925] Oozie gets Error: AUTHENTICATION : Could not authenticate, Authentication failed, status: 404, message: Not Found

  • BUG-21623 [CVE-2014-0075, CVE-2014-0096, CVE-2014-0099, CVE-2014-0119] Tomcat Security Vulnerability in HttpFS

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