Upgrading HDP Manually
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Configure, Start, and Validate Apache Mahout

Upgrade Apache Mahout. On the Mahout client machines, run the following command:

  • For RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux:

    yum upgrade mahout

  • For SLES:

    • zypper remove mahout

    • zypper se -s mahout

      You should see Mahout in the output.

    • Install Mahout:

      zypper up mahout

Replace your configuration after upgrading. Copy /etc/mahout/conf from the template to the conf directory in mahout hosts.

To validate mahout:

  1. Create a test user:

    hadoop dfs -put /tmp/sample-test.txt /user/testuser

  2. Set up mahout to convert the plain text file sample-test.txt into a sequence file that is in the output directory mahouttest.

    mahout seqdirectory --input /user/testuser/sample-test.txt --output /user/ testuser/mahouttest --charset utf-8