Upgrading HDP Manually
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Verify the Knox Upgrade

To verify the upgrade was successful, follow the steps listed below.

  1. Navigate to the /var/log/knox/gateway directory and check the gateway.logfile for errors and an acknowledgement that the server restart was successful.

  2. Verify you have cluster access using the LISTSTATUS WebHDFS API call.

    curl -ivk -u {user}:{password} https://{knox host}:8443 /gateway/webhdfs/v1/?op=LISTSTATUS
  3. Verify the Knox version using the Knox Admin service and Version API.

    curl -i -v -k -u admin:admin-password -X GET "https://localhost:8443/gateway/admin/api/v1/version"
    curl -i -v -k -u admin:admin-password -X GET "https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/webhdfs/v1?op=LISTSTATUS"

The Admin API requires you to be a member of an Admin group, as specified in the admin.xml authorization provider.

When you have verified the Knox upgrade was successful, you can begin using Knox. If, however, the upgrade was unsuccessful, you will need to downgrade the Knox Gateway to the previous version. The steps to downgrade the Knox Gateway are described in the next section.