6.4. Known Issues for YARN

  • BUG-13231: YARN RM won't failover if the RPC port is unreachable.

    Problem: YARN does not have a service similar to HDFS where the zkfc process monitors the health of the NameNode. Thus, if the RPC port gets blocked the RM service will not failover.

  • BUG-12327: (YARN-90) NM cannot detect when bad disks become healthy again.

    Problem: If you start NM with good log-dir, then rename the directory away, the NM will become unhealthy. If you then rename the directory away, NM will be unhealthy. If you rename the directory back, then wait for some period of time (120 sec), NM won't return to healthy state.

  • BUG-9919: Shuffle test fails with mapreduce.map.java.opts and mapreduce.reduce.java.opts -Xmx692m

    Problem: Shuffle tests fails in ambari with the following configuration:


    mapreduce.map.memory.mb 1024

    mapreduce.map.java.opts -Xmx692m

    mapreduce.task.io.sort.mb 200

    Shuffle test is failing with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space".

  • BUG-12705: Encryption for YARN and MR shuffle on Windows

    Problem: Encryption for YARN and MR shuffle not supported on HDP for Windows clusters.

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