4. Fixed in This Release

This release contains the following bug fixes:

ProjectApache JIRABug No.Description
Hadoop CommonHADOOP-10342BUG-19415Extend UserGroupInformation to return a UGI given a preauthenticated kerberos Subject
Hadoop CommonHADOOP-10710BUG-20468hadoop.auth cookie not in RFC2109 format. Oozie web console missing panel in secure cluster
WebHCatHADOOP-10839, -10840, -7664BUG-20182Need hotfix for HADOOP-879 and HADOOP-880
HDFSHADOOP-874BUG-21474UT Failures TestNativeAzureFileSystemMocked
HBaseHADOOP-11118BUG-19935non environment variable solution for ZeroCopyLiteralByteString
HDFSHDFS-6527, HDFS-6618, HDFS-6622, HDFS-6647BUG-19654Fix potential editlog corruption
HDFSHDFS-6604BUG-20530Major dependency change in hive causes wrong hadoop configurations to be loaded
HDFSHDFS-6604BUG-19944The short-circuit cache doesn't correctly time out replicas that haven't been used in a while
Hive, Pig, WebHCatHIVE-6835BUG-19469Pig returns only partitioned value when loading Avro partitioned table with HCatLoader()
HiveHIVE-7062BUG-17846Hive query using SUM() windowing function fails to complete and stays stuck on REDUCE task
Hive, TezHIVE-7112BUG-16162Investigate failure in Hive
WebHCatHIVE-7155BUG-21065Need fix to add configuration parameter to override WebHCat configuration to overwrite mapreduce.map.memory.mb for the controller job
PigPIG-4044, -4045BUG-19608Pig job processing in Avro fails because avro-mapred-h2.jar is not included in pig-withouthadoop.jar
HDFSHDFS-6340BUG-20095Can't finalize upgrade
HDFSHDFS-6616BUG-20165bestNode shouldn't always return the first DataNode
HiveHIVE-6979BUG-20189Back-port Java code of HIVE-6979
MapReduceMAPREDUCE-4951 and MAPREDUCE-5900BUG-18039Container preemption interpreted as task failures and eventually job failures
MapReduceMAPREDUCE-5956BUG-19735 MapReduce AM should not use maxAttempts to determine if this is the last retry
MapReduceMAPREDUCE-6002BUG-20419MR task should prevent report error to AM when process is shutting down
HiveHIVE-7366, -7368BUG-19937Data nucleus returns empty results (table not found) when there is unexpected underlying exceptions
PigPIG-3744BUG-21208SequenceFileLoader does not support BytesWritable
YARNYARN-2144BUG-18468Add logs when preemption occurs.
YARNYARN-2181BUG-19182Add preemption info to RM Web UI and RM logs.
YARNYARN-2125BUG-18536ProportionalCapacityPreemptionPolicy should only log CSV when debug enabled
YARNYARN-2124BUG-18535ProportionalCapacityPreemptionPolicy cannot work because it's initialized before scheduler initialized
YARNYARN-2022BUG-19086Preempting an Application Master container can be kept as least priority when multiple applications are marked for preemption by ProportionalCapacityPreemptionPolicy
YARNYARN-2074BUG-17995Preemption of AM containers shouldn't count towards AM failures
YARNYARN-1957BUG-17996 ProportionalCapacitPreemptionPolicy handling of corner cases
YARNYARN-1408BUG-18120 Preemption caused Invalid State Event: ACQUIRED at KILLED and caused a task timeout for 30mins

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