Hortonworks Cybersecurity Platform
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Create Global Configurations

The global configuration file is accessible to all configurable components in the system. The global configuration file can be used to assign a property to multiple parser topologies. For example, every message from every sensor is validated against global configuration rules. The global configuration file can also be used to assign properties to enrichments and the profiler which each use a single topology. For example, you can use the global configuration to configure the enrichment toplogy's writer batching settings.

  1. To configure a global configuration file, create a file called global.json at $METRON_HOME/config/zookeeper.
  2. Using the following format, populate the file with enrichment values that you want to apply to all sensors:
      "es.clustername": "metron",
      "es.ip": "node1",
      "es.port": "9300",
      "es.date.format": "yyyy.MM.dd.HH",
      "fieldValidations" : [
                    "input" : [ "ip_src_addr", "ip_dst_addr" ],
                    "validation" : "IP",
                    "config" : {
                        "type" : "IPV4"

    A single or collection of elastic search master nodes.

    They might be specified using the hostname:port syntax. If a port is not specified, then a separate global property es.port is required:

    • Example: es.ip : [ “”, “”]
    • Example: es.ip : “” (thus requiring es.port to be specified as well)
    • Example: es.ip : “” (thus not requiring es.port to be specified)

    The port of the elastic search master node.

    This is not strictly required if the port is specified in the es.ip global property as described above. It is expected that this be an integer or a string representation of an integer.

    • Example: es.port : “1234"
    • Example: es.port : 1234

    The elastic search cluster name to which you want to write.

    • Example: es.clustername : “metron” (providing your ES cluster is configured to have metron be a valid cluster name)

    The format of the date that specifies how the information is parsed time-wise.

    or example:

    • es.date.format : “yyyy.MM.dd.HH” (this would shard by hour creating, for example, a Bro shard of bro_2016.01.01.01, bro_2016.01.01.02, etc.)
    • es.date.format : “yyyy.MM.dd” (this would shard by day, creating, for example, a Bro shard of bro_2016.01.01, bro_2016.01.02, etc.)

    A validation framework that enables you to construct validation rules that cross all sensors.

    The fieldValidations enrichment value use validation plugins or assertions about fields or whole messages


    An array of input fields or a single field. If this is omitted, then the whole messages is passed to the validator.


    A String to Object map for validation configuration. This is optional if the validation function requires no configuration.


    The validation function to be used. This is one of the following:


    Execute a Stellar Language statement. Expects the query string in the condition field of the config.


    Validates that the input fields are an IP address. By default, if no configuration is set, it assumes IPV4, but you can specify the type by passing in type with either IPV6 or IPV4 or by passing in a list [IPV4,IPV6] in which case the input is validated against both.


    Validates that the fields are all domains.


    Validates that the fields are all email addresses.


    Validates that the fields are all URLs.


    Validates that the fields are a date. Expects format in the configuration.


    Validates that the fields are an integer. String representation of an integer is allowed.


    Validates that the fields match a regex. Expects pattern in the configuration.


    Validates that the fields exist and are not empty (after trimming.)