Hortonworks Data Platform

Installing Hadoop 2 Using Apache Ambari



1. Getting Ready to Install
1. Understand the Basics
2. Meet Minimum System Requirements
2.1. Hardware Recommendations
2.2. Operating Systems Requirements
2.3. Browser Requirements
2.4. Software Requirements
2.5. Database Requirements
3. Decide on Deployment Type
4. Collect Information
5. Prepare the Environment
5.1. Check Existing Installs
5.2. Set Up Password-less SSH
5.3. Enable NTP on the Cluster and on the Browser Host
5.4. Check DNS
5.5. Disable SELinux
5.6. Disable iptables
5.7. Disable PackageKit
5.8. Check umask Value
6. Optional: Configure the Local Repositories
2. Running the Installer
1. Set Up the Bits
1.1. RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 5.x [Not supported for Beta]
1.2. RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 6.x
1.3. SLES 11 [Not supported for Beta]
2. Set Up the Server
2.1. Setup Options
3. Optional: Set Up LDAP or Active Directory Authentication
4. Optional: Set Up HTTPS for Ambari Web
5. Optional: Set Up HTTPS for Ganglia and Nagios
5.1. Set Up Ganglia
5.2. Set Up Nagios
6. Optional: Encrypt Database and LDAP Passwords
6.1. Reset Encryption
7. Optional: Set Up Two-Way SSL Between Ambari Server and Ambari Agents
8. Optional: Change the Ambari Server Port
9. Start the Ambari Server
3. Installing, Configuring, and Deploying the Cluster
1. Log into Apache Ambari
2. Welcome
3. Select Stack
4. Install Options
5. Confirm Hosts
6. Choose Services
7. Assign Masters
8. Assign Slaves and Clients
9. Customize Services
9.1. Service Users and Groups
9.2. Properties That Depend on Service Usernames/Groups
10. Review
11. Install, Start and Test
12. Summary
4. Troubleshooting Ambari Deployments
1. Getting the Logs
2. Quick Checks
3. Specific Issues
3.1. Problem: Browser crashed before Install Wizard completed
3.2. Problem: Install Wizard reports that the cluster install has failed
3.3. Problem: “Unable to create new native thread” exceptions in HDFS DataNode logs or those of any system daemon
3.4. Problem: The “yum install ambari-server” Command Fails
3.5. Problem: HDFS Smoke Test Fails
3.6. Problem: The HCatalog Daemon Metastore Smoke Test Fails
3.7. Problem: MySQL and Nagios fail to install on RightScale CentOS 5 images on EC2
3.8. Problem: Trouble starting Ambari on system reboot
3.9. Problem: Metrics and Host information display incorrectly in Ambari Web
3.10. Problem: On SUSE 11 Ambari Agent crashes within the first 24 hours
3.11. Problem: Attempting to Start HBase REST server causes either REST server or Ambari Web to fail
3.12. Problem: Multiple Ambari Agent processes are running, causing re-register
3.13. Problem: Some graphs do not show a complete hour of data until the cluster has been running for an hour
3.14. Problem: After performing a cluster install the Nagios server is not started
3.15. Problem: A service with a customized service user is not appearing properly in Ambari Web
3.16. Problem: Updated configuration changes are not pushed to client/gateway nodes
5. Appendix: Installing Ambari Agents Manually
1. RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 5.x [Not supported for Beta] and 6.x
2. SLES [Not supported for Beta]
6. Appendix: Using Custom Hostnames
7. Appendix: Upgrading Operating Systems on an Ambari-based Hadoop Installation
8. Appendix: Configuring Ports
1. HDFS Ports
2. MapReduce Ports
3. YARN Ports
4. Hive Ports
5. HBase Ports
6. WebHCat Port
7. Ganglia Ports
8. MySQL Port
9. Ambari Ports
10. Nagios Ports
9. Appendix: Moving the Ambari Server
1. Back up Current Data
2. Update Agents
3. Install the New Server and Populate the Databases
10. Appendix: Using Non-Default Databases
1. Hive/HCatalog
1.1. Troubleshooting Hive/HCatalog
2. Oozie
2.1. Troubleshooting Oozie
3. Ambari
3.1. Troubleshooting Ambari

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