5. HBase Ports

The following table lists the default ports used by the various HBase services.

Table 8.5. HBase Ports
Service Servers Default Ports Used Protocol Description Need End User Access? Configuration Parameters


Master Node hosts (HBase Master Node and any back-up HBase Master node) 60000 Yes hbase.master.port

HMaster Info Web UI

Master Node hosts (HBase master Node and back up HBase Master node if any) 60010 http The port for the HBase­Master web UI. Set to -1 if you do not want the info server to run. Yes hbase.master.info.port

Region Server

All Slave Node hosts 60020 Yes (Typically admins, dev/support teams) hbase.regionserver.port

Region Server

All Slave Node hosts 60030 http Yes (Typically admins, dev/support teams) hbase.regionserver.info.port
All ZooKeeper Node hosts 2888 Port used by ZooKeeper peers to talk to each other.See here for more information. No hbase.zookeeper.peerport
All ZooKeeper Node hosts 3888 Port used by ZooKeeper peers to talk to each other.See here for more information. hbase.zookeeper.leaderport
2181 Property from ZooKeeper's config zoo.cfg. The port at which the clients will connect. hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort

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