Integrating Apache Hive with Kafka, Spark, and BI
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Connecting Apache Hive to BI tools

To query, analyze, and visualize data stored within the Hortonworks Data Platform using drivers provided by Cloudera, you connect Hive to Business Intelligence (BI) tools.

How you connect to Hive depends on a number of factors: the location of Hive inside or outside the cluster, the HiveServer deployment, the type of transport, transport-layer security, and authentication. HiveServer is the server interface that enables remote clients to execute queries against Hive and retrieve the results using a JDBC or ODBC connection. The ODBC driver from Simba and the Apache Hive JDBC driver is available for download as described in the next topic. HDP installs the Hive JDBC driver on one of the edge nodes in your cluster.
  • You chose a Hive authorization model.
  • You configured authenticated users for querying Hive through JDBC or ODBC driver by setting value of the hive.server2.enable.doAs configuration property in the file.
  1. Locate the Apache Hive JDBC driver or download the Simba ODBC driver.
  2. Depending on the type of driver you obtain, proceed as follows:
    • If you use the Simba ODBC driver, follow instructions on the ODBC driver download site, and skip the rest of the steps in this procedure.
    • If you use a Apache Hive JDBC driver, specify the basic JDBC connection string as described in the following steps.
  3. In Ambari, select Services > Hive.
  4. In Summary, copy the JDBC URL for HiveServer: Click the clipboard icon.
  5. Send the JDBC connection string to the BI tool, such as Tableau.