HDP-2.3.6 Release Notes
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Behavioral Changes

Behavioral changes denote a marked change in behavior from the previously released version to this version of software. In HDP 2.3.6, behavioral changes affect the following components.

Table 1.3. Behavioral Changes

Hortonworks Bug IDApache ComponentApache JIRASummaryDetailsSource
   Debian 6 support deprecated.

HDP support for Debian 6 is deprecated with HDP 2.4.0.

Support for Debian 6 will be removed in a future HDP release.

BUG-43020Hue CherryPy is not the default webserver

Scenario: In previous releases of Hue, CherryPy was not the default web-server, but spawning webserver, which is generally not advisable as CherryPy is multithreaded and scales better than spawning webserver.

Previous Behavior: By not commenting out use_cherrpy_server=false in hue.ini, Hue used spawning webserver instead of Hue.

New Behavior: CherryPy is the default webserver for Hue.

Workaround/Expected Customer Action: No action required, unless spawning web server is the desired webserver for Hue. In this case, modify use_cherrypy_server accordingly.

BUG-50292Hue HUE DataTables Warning in partition columns tab.

Scenario: In previous releases of Hue, an error message appeared when Partition Columns tab was clicked in the Beeswax describe table view.

Previous Behavior: When clicking the Partition Columns tab in the Beeswax describe table view, an error message appeared.

New Behavior: No error message appears.

Workaround: None.

BUG-50775YARN Enable collection of debug information by default

Scenario: Container failures during job execution.

Previous Behavior: New feature - no previous behaviour.

New Behavior: This feature(enabled by default) enables generation of additional information which is useful for debugging container failures. The extra information generated is:

  • A copy of the launch_container.sh script.

  • A listing of the contents of the container work directory.

This information is automatically collected if log-aggregation is enabled, or ignored and discarded if log-aggregation is disabled. The feature can be disabled by setting yarn.nodemanager.log-container-debug-info.enabled to false in yarn-site.xml.

BUG-50786Tez Increase the default value for MAX_COUNTERS

The default value of the max counter limit has been increased from 2000 to:

  • tez.counters.max: 10000

  • tez.counters.max.groups: 3000





Nodemanager connection errors are retried at multiple levels.

Scenario: During NodeManager restart, all YARN clients connect to NodeManager need to retry the connection to NodeManager.

We formerly had a two layer retry for YARN Client connection with NodeManager: one was at the RPC layer, and the other was at the NodeManager proxy layer. This caused the log of retry activities to expand logarithmically. After this fix, we consolidated the RPC layer retry and NodeManager proxy retry; the retry log no longer has duplicate entries.
