11. Known Issues

Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache JIRA




Insert after alter table on Acid table causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Issue: Schema evolution is not supported for Acid tables. Alter Table commands on Acid table may make the table unreadable. There is not w/a after that.

BUG-30022HIVE-7693HiveInvalid column ref error in order by when using column alias in select clause and using having
BUG-30556 HiveKilled job is not display correctly by ATS hook failure
BUG-31408HIVE-9642HiveHive metastore client retries don't happen consistently for all api calls
BUG-38390 Ranger

Ambari ranger-env settings for admin and usersync log dir don't seem to do anything.

Issue: The log directory specified for the ranger-admin and ranger-usersync component configurations are not being used in the current release.

BUG-38471HDFS-8512HDFSHDFS-8512 WebHDFS : GETFILESTATUS should return LocatedBlock with storage type info

Alter table transactional=false on ACID table misleading user. create transactional table would be better

Issue: Once an ACID table is created (with transactional=true) and data is written to it, changing the property to transactional=false may cause wrong data to be returned by queries over this table.


Meta WALs are not split or cleared

Issue: In case a meta region gets moved from one region server to another region server, the write ahead logs for the meta table might be left in the HDFS directory for the regionserver if that particular regionserver fails. This might leave the WAL files in that directory until they are removed manually, and also may result in the previous regionservers to be listed as "dead regionservers" in the master UI indefinitely. However, this is harmless and does not cause any data loss other other operational issues in HBase.

BUG-39663 HiveHive compactor fails when 'hive' user does not have x permissions on the table directory
BUG-39988HIVE-11110HiveCBO : Default partition filter is from MetaStore query causing TPC-DS to regress by 3x
BUG-40720HIVE-11852Falcon, HivenumRows and rawDataSize table properties are not replicated by HiveDR job.
BUG-42084 HivePrevent misconfiguration when StorageBasedAuthorization is set on hive.security.authorization.manager
BUG-42151 HiveHS2/Metastore JVM settings
BUG-42569HIVE-10022Hive'create database [db_name] location /tmp/[db_name].db' via beeline throws [hrt_qa] does not have [WRITE] privilege although hive.server2.enable.doAs=false when Ranger or StdAuth is on.
BUG-42752HIVE-12366HiveHiveServer-Concurrency - Joins and select-joins tests failing with dag.RootInputInitializerManager: Failed InputInitializer for Input: v2 on vertex vertex_*
BUG-43129 HiveACID update/delete query fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when there is null struct
BUG-44646HIVE-11935HiveHS2LongRunningHTTP: Describe table intermittently throws NPE
BUG-45525HIVE-11401HivePredicate push down does not work with Parquet when partitions are in the expression
BUG-45878 HiveHive Streaming does not honor orc.compress.* table properties
BUG-46092HIVE-7193HiveWe need to filter users who can connect on our HiveServer2 to those in a particular LDAP group (with nested groups)
BUG-46128 StormKafka spout showing errors in the log streaming workflow
BUG-46394 HiveHiveserver2 Error Seen After Upgrade
BUG-46771HIVE-11716HiveReading ACID table from non-acid session should raise an error
BUG-47626 HBase, Hive, PhoenixCreating Hive table on Hbase fails in HDP 2.3.x with Phoenix Dependencies
BUG-47662 Ranger

UserSync - group sync is marked as INTERNAL even if the group is synced from LDAP

Issue: When the groups are synched from LDAP/AD, the ranger admin portal is showing the group as INTERNAL group instead of EXTERNAL group. It does not affect any functionality of Ranger.

BUG-47706HIVE-11603HiveMR: IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown when accessing a union all subquery and filtering on a column which does not exist in all underlying tables
BUG-47834 HiveMR query on non-partition table NPE if hive.limit.query.max.table.partition is set other than -1
BUG-48078 StormNetty connection exceptions in the logs when a topology is deployed
BUG-48217 YARNAfter restarting Yarn services, applications stays in ACCEPTED state
BUG-48560PHOENIX-2496PhoenixPQS fails to respond to SIGTERM when HMaster is dead
BUG-48953HBASE-14886HBaseReplicationAdmin does not use full peer configuration
BUG-49181HBASE-14838HBaseSimpleRegionNormalizer does not merge empty (<1MB) regions
BUG-49181HBASE-14838HBaseClarify that SimpleRegionNormalizer does not merge empty (<1MB) regions
BUG-49182HBASE-14867HBaseSimpleRegionNormalizer needs to have better heuristics to trigger merge operation
BUG-49244 YARN, SparkSpark 1.5.2 integration with YARN ATS (Application Timeline Server) 1.5 is not yet ready for widespread production use, especially on large clusters that also have Hive workloads running on them.
BUG-49327HBASE-14928HBaseStart row should be set for query through HBase REST gateway involving globbing option
BUG-49424HBASE-10390HBaseTrack HBASE-10390 on HDP
BUG-49430 Phoenix

After local index changes, the explain plan could show scan over the physical data table name instead of the local index. The query plan contains index id, for example -32766, represents using local indexes.

After local index changes, the explain plan could show scan over the physical data table name instead of the local index. The query plan contains index id, for example -32766, represents using local indexes.


Phoenix-queryServer ha is failing with RejectedExecutionException

Issue: It is possible the clients using the Phoenix QueryServer might unexpectedly see application-level exceptions when the QueryServer is in the process of shutting down.

Workaround: Users should simply resubmit their query against an operation Phoenix QueryServer instance.

BUG-49531HIVE-11740HCatalog, HiveNPE in DynamicPartFileRecordWriterContainer on null part-keys
BUG-49563HADOOP-12622YARNEnhance trouble shooting for NM proxy retry policy

Using empty master secret for Knox causes NullPointerException

Issue: If an empty string is used as the Knox master secret the Knox gateway server will fail to start and a NullPointerException will be found in the gateway.log file.

Error: The error found in the gateway.log file will appear as shown below. More information can be produced by modifying the gateway-log4j.properties file.

2015-12-10 17:03:30,389 INFO  hadoop.gateway (GatewayServer.java:startGateway(217)) - Starting gateway...
2015-12-10 17:03:30,579 FATAL hadoop.gateway (GatewayServer.java:startGateway(234)) - Failed to start gateway: java.lang.NullPointerException

Workaround: User can recover from this situation by replacing the empty string master secret with another value using the command below. This command should be executed as the 'knox' user.

bin/knoxcli.sh create-master --force

If this does not solve the problem it may be necessary to delete the contents of the data/security directory before executing this command.

BUG-49724 Storm

Configuring KafkaSpout to Connect to HBase or Hive

Before connecting to HBase or Hive, we recommend that you add the following exclusions to your POM file, for the curator framework:




Issue: The Phoenix Thin Client Driver, org.apache.phoenix.queryserver.client.Driver, is not automatically registered in the JDBC DriverManager.


  1. Add the following to your Java application before trying to obtain the Driver:

    Properties props = new Properties();
    String url = "jdbc:phoenix:thin:url=http://localhost:8765";
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);
  2. Manually register the driver.