8. Fixed in HDP 2.2.9

The following features and fixes were contributed back to Apache with the release of HDP 2.2.9:

Incorrect Results

Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRAComponentSummary
BUG-41313 HiveHive temporary macro with variable inputs returning incorrect results
BUG-42916HIVE-11606HiveBucket mapjoin error "capacity must be power of two" when #rows < #buckets
BUG-43169 HiveHive + Tez: map side join giving different query results



HBaseExportSnapshot does not honor -chuser, -chgroup, -chmod options
BUG-44924 HiveSMB Join query not returning proper results
BUG-45117HIVE-11132HiveBackPort - wrong results: non-mapjoin with auto.convert.join.noconditionaltask=false and hive.optimize.reducededuplication=true wrong plan for join followed with group by
BUG-45656 HiveCorrectness: Wrong results when using a not exists subquery with CBO off
BUG-45723 Phoenixorg.apache.phoenix.schema.TypeMismatchException Error while querying a table that has an index with a Boolean


Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRAComponentSummary
BUG-43228HDFS-8885HDFSByteRangeInputStream used in webhdfs does not override available()
BUG-44034HDFS-9112HDFSAfter implementing distcp between two HA clusters, the HDFS haadmin commands do not work - Unable to determine the nameservice id.
BUG-44480HDFS-9082HDFSChange the log level in WebHdfsFileSystem.initialize() from INFO to DEBUG


Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRAComponentSummary
BUG-38575 HiveJoin on partition columns plan should know column stats without having to compute them, unreasonable estimate on partition stats may disable dynamic partition pruning
BUG-43027 HBaseHave metrics for blockcache take into account replicas
BUG-43071HIVE-9223Hive, HueHS2/hue/tez: multiple concurrent queries not allowed in single tez session
BUG-43268HIVE-10651HiveOrcProto$StripeStatistics cache grows causing severe GC in Application master
BUG-44683PIG-4679PigDrastic performance degradation due to InputSizeReducerEstimator
BUG-45735 PhoenixIndex HINT not forcing the usage of secondary Index
BUG-46376 HiveVectorization Udf: GenericUDFOPGreaterThan, is not supported



HDFSAllow block reports to be processed during checkpointing on standby name node

Potential Data Loss


Query Failure



Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRAComponentSummary
BUG-28778HIVE-9013HiveBeeline (hiveserver2 client) exposes sensitive metastore DB connection info (connection, password)
BUG-36587HBASE-12366HBaseAdd login code to HBase Canary tool
BUG-43224HDFS-8155HDFSSupport OAuth2 in WebHDFS
BUG-43238HIVE-10528HiveHiveserver2 in HTTP mode is not applying auth_to_local rules
BUG-44889 RangerImplement X-Frame-Option header
BUG-44891 RangerImplement best practices for authentication cookies
BUG-45430HDFS-9175HDFSChange scope of 'AccessTokenProvider.getAccessToken()' and 'CredentialBasedAccessTokenProvider.getCredential()' abstract methods to public
BUG-46555 RangerRestrict group and role data for only ADMIN users


Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRAComponentSummary
BUG-28507 RangerAdd timeout for connection settings
BUG-31129YARN-3145YARNjava.sql.SQLException: Error while processing statement: FAILED: Hive Internal Error: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
BUG-37456 RangerAmbari's treatment of ranger-admin setup.sh can corrupt security-applicationContext.xml
BUG-40689HIVE-11193HiveQuery plan fails, tez dynamic partiton pruning "fail to find child from parent " in this case (left outer join union all with constant on different data types)
BUG-41828HIVE-11408HiveHiveserver2 failing with OOM PermGen when using temporary functions due to Hadoop reflections utils caching classloaders
BUG-42203HIVE-11499HiveHiveserver2 failing with OOM PermGen when using temporary functions due to DataNucleus caching classloaders
BUG-43221TEZ-2745TezClassNotFound in InputInitializer causes AM to crash
BUG-43226HDFS-8435HDFSSupport CreateFlag in WebHDFS
BUG-43543HBASE-14309HBaseAllow load balancer to operate when there is region in transition by adding force flag
BUG-43604 HiveException in FileSink when num_bucket > num_reducer
BUG-43658HDFS-8995HDFSFlaw in registration bookeeping can make DN die on reconnect
BUG-43895HDFS-8797HDFSWebHdfsFileSystem creates too many connections for position read
BUG-43986HBASE-12635HBaseDelete acl notify znode of table after the table is deleted
BUG-44099 HiveHiveserver2 failing with OOM PermGen when use temporary functions due to Hadoop ReflectionUtils caching classloaders
BUG-44212HIVE-12084HiveHive queries with ORDER BY & large LIMIT or PTF order by high cadinality fails with OutOfMemoryError Java heap space
BUG-44257YARN-3896YARNNode Manager processes becomes unresponsive after RM restart
BUG-44260HBASE-14412HBaseRemoving HBase cross cluster replication peer id containing hyphen "-" doesn't seem to remove all the related entries from ZooKeeper
BUG-44503KNOX-598KnoxConcurrent JDBC clients via KNOX to Kerberized HiveServer2 - causes HTTP 401 error (due to Kerberos Replay attack error)



StormWorker on one machine crashes due to a failure of another worker on another machine
BUG-44937HBASE-12464HBaseMeta table region assignment stuck in the FAILED_OPEN state due to region server not fully ready to serve
BUG-44943 HiveTez queries stopped running - ApplicationNotFoundException
BUG-45049HIVE-7049HiveError: java.io.IOException: org.apache.avro.AvroTypeException: Found string, expecting union (state=,code=0)
BUG-45083HIVE-10752HCatalog, PigMore than 66 columns breaks MR but not tez (Pig HCat)
BUG-45098HIVE-11960HiveHive query parse issue
BUG-45215HADOOP-12089Hadoop CommonStorageException complaining "no lease ID" when updating FolderLastModifiedTime in WASB
BUG-45216HADOOP-12239Hadoop CommonStorageException complaining " no lease ID" when updating FolderLastModifiedTime in WASB
BUG-45465HIVE-11977HiveHive should handle an external avro table with zero length files present



HBaseCache configuration and RpcController selection for Table in Connection
BUG-46165HBASE-14207HBaseRegion was hijacked and remained in transition when RS failed to open a region and later regionplan changed to new RS on retry
BUG-46166HBASE-14361HBaseReplicationSink should create Connection instances lazily
BUG-46327YARN-2910YARNFSLeafQueue can throw ConcurrentModificationException
BUG-46587 RangerPrevent thread exhaustion in Ranger due to badly configured service connection
BUG-47098HDFS-8626HDFSReserved RBW space is not released if creation of RBW File fails




Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRAComponentSummary
BUG-30784ZOOKEEPER-1952Zookeeperzookeeper.log.file property is not respected; log output goes only to the zookeeper.out
BUG-43350 RangerRanger Installation fails due to missing ojdbc.jar in CLASSPATH for ambari 2.1.0
BUG-43403HIVE-11581HiveHS2 url parameters should be stored in zookeeper
BUG-43465 HiveHive "SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings." error
BUG-43603HIVE-12262Hivehive does not translate ${system:java.io.tmpdir}/${system:user.name}/operation_logs properly
BUG-43766HDFS-8180HDFSAbstractFileSystem Implementation for WebHDFS
BUG-43799HDFS-8542HDFSWebHDFS getHomeDirectory behavior does not match specification
BUG-45263HADOOP-12437HDFSHDFS and YARN configs for Keberized Dual Homing
BUG-45360HBASE-14594HBaseHBase configs for Kerberized Dual Homing
BUG-45675 RangerAllow special characters in passwords for manual install of Ranger
BUG-45721HADOOP-12350Hadoop CommonWASB Logging: Improve WASB Logging around deletes, reads and writes
RMP-3882RANGER-684RangerMapping of Ranger AD usersync groups to Linux AD groups