6. Start Hadoop Core


Before you start HDFS on an HA system you must start the ZooKeeper service. If you do not start the ZKFC, there can be failures.

To start HDFS, run commands as the $HDFS_USER.

  1. If you are upgrading from an HA NameNode configuration, start all JournalNodes. On each JournalNode host, run the following commands:

    su - hdfs

    /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh start journalnode


    All JournalNodes must be running when performing the upgrade, rollback, or finalization operations. If any JournalNodes are down when running any such operation, the operation fails.

  2. Start the NameNode.

    Because the file system version has now changed you must start the NameNode manually. On the active NameNode host, run the following commands:

    su - hdfs

    /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh start namenode -upgrade

    On a large system, this can take a long time to complete.


    Run this command with the -upgrade option only once. After you have completed this step, you can bring up the NameNode using this command without including the -upgrade option.

    To check if the Upgrade is in progress, check that the "\previous" directory has been created in the \NameNode and \JournalNode directories. The "\previous" directory contains a snapshot of the data before upgrade.

    In a NameNode HA configuration, this NameNode will not enter the standby state as usual. Rather, this NameNode will immediately enter the active state, perform an upgrade of its local storage directories, and also perform an upgrade of the shared edit log. At this point, the standby NameNode in the HA pair is still down. It will be out of sync with the upgraded active NameNode.

    To synchronize the active and standby NameNode, re-establishing HA, re-bootstrap the standby NameNode by running the NameNode with the '-bootstrapStandby' flag. Do NOT start this standby NameNode with the '-upgrade' flag.

    su -l <HDFS_USER> -c "hdfs namenode -bootstrapStandby -force"

    where <HDFS_USER> is the HDFS service user. For example, hdfs.

    The bootstrapStandby command will download the most recent fsimage from the active NameNode into the $dfs.name.dir directory of the standby NameNode. You can enter that directory to make sure the fsimage has been successfully downloaded. After verifying, start the ZKFailoverController, then start the standby NameNode. You can check the status of both NameNodes using the Web UI.

  3. Verify that the NameNode is up and running:

    ps -ef|grep -i NameNode

  4. Start the Secondary NameNode. On the Secondary NameNode host machine, run the following commands:

    su - hdfs -c "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh start secondarynamenode"

  5. Verify that the Secondary NameNode is up and running:

    ps -ef|grep SecondaryNameNode

  6. Start DataNodes.

    On each of the DataNodes, enter the following command. Note: If you are working on a non-secure DataNode, use $HDFS_USER. For a secure DataNode, use root.

    su - hdfs

    /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/sbin/hadoop-daemon.sh start datanode

  7. Verify that the DataNode process is up and running:

    ps -ef|grep DataNode

  8. Verify that NameNode can go out of safe mode.

    >hdfs dfsadmin -safemode wait

    Safemode is OFF

    In general, it takes 5-10 minutes to get out of safemode. For thousands of nodes with millions of data blocks, getting out of safemode can take up to 45 minutes.

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