7.2. Minimizing Downtime


  1. Shut down destination hbase cluster (assuming it's empty cluster)

  2. Mark current time stamp Ts

  3. Clean destination hbase cluster hdfs files and ZK data

  4. Distcp all hbase files from source hbase root directory to destination hbase cluster root folder

  5. Run upgrade step 4 and 5 from the above guide

  6. Shut down source cluster.

    su hbase - -c "hbase-daemon.sh --config /etc/hbase/ stop regionserver"
  7. Use export to dump all data from source cluster since the above marked time stamp Ts.

    $ bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Export <tablename> <outputdir> [<versions> [<starttime> [<endtime>]]]
  8. Use import to get exported tail data into the destination cluster Route traffic to destination cluster

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