Upgrade Guide
Also available as:

Chapter 2. Upgrading Metron

After you shut down Metron and all of its services, you must uninstall Metron and then reinstall the newest version of Metron.


  1. Uninstall Metron.

    In Ambari, select Metron, then under the Service Actions menu, click Delete Service.

    When prompted, enter "delete" to confirm deleting the service.

  2. Remove all of the rpms from the old Metron version.


    From the Ambari node, enter the following to list all of the Metron packages:

    rpm -e $(rpm -qa | grep metron)

    Remove each of the packages:

    rmp remove $PACKAGE_NAME


    From the Ambari node, enter the following to delete all of the Metron packages:

    sudo aptitude purge $PACKAGE_NAME
  3. Modify the /etc/yum.repos.d/HCP.repo file with the updated repo version:

    vi /etc/yum.repos.d/HCP.repo
  4. Update the HCP.repo file.


    yum update


    apt-get update
  5. Install the current HCP mpack repo from Release Notes.

    For example:

    wget http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HCP/centos7/1.x/updates/
    ambari-server install-mpack --force --mpack=/${MPACK_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY}/hcp-ambari-mpack- --verbose
  6. Restart the Ambari server.

    ambari-server restart
  7. Re-open Ambari and add back the updated Metron version.

    From the Actions menu, click Add Service, then click Metron from the Choose Services page. Ensure Metron is the updated version.

    Ambari lists each service on which Metron is dependent.

  8. Click yes to add each dependency.

  9. In Ambari, add back your Metron configuration information in the Property fields.


    Do not copy and paste into the Metron property fields. You can inadvertently add a special character.

  10. Click Deploy to start the Metron set up.

    The process to install, start, and test Metron will take a while.

  11. Restart the Metron services:

    • Metron REST

    • Metron Management UI

    • Metron Alerts UI

    • Indexing

  12. In the Management UI, restart the Metron Parsers including Enrichment, Bro, Snort, Yaf, and any other parsers you added previously.

    Figure 2.1. Management UI


    Starting the Metron parsers might take a while.

  13. Check the status of the parsers in the Storm UI.

    Figure 2.2. Storm UI