Ambari 2.2.0 Release Notes
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Behavioral Changes

Ambari 2.2 introduces the following changes in behavior as compared to previous Ambari versions:

Table 1.3. Ambari 2.2 Behavioral Changes

Apache Jira

HWX Jira



AMBARI-13241 AMBARI-13251 BUG-45125

DataNode Mount Directory List

The hadoop-env/ configuration property is no longer customizable from Ambari. The original default value of "/etc/hadoop/conf/dfs_data_dir_mount.hist" is now "/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/datanode/dfs_data_dir_mount.hist", which is not customizable. On Ambari Agent upgrade, Ambari will automatically move the file from "/etc/hadoop/conf/dfs_data_dir_mount.hist" to "/var/lib/ambari-agent/data/datanode/dfs_data_dir_mount.hist". If you have not modified this configuration property, no action is required. If you had previously modified this value, after upgrading to Ambari 2.2, you must restart your DataNodes for the file to written to be the new location.

AMBARI-12901 AMBARI-13062 BUG-42230

Kerberos: Storm Headless Principal

The Ambari "headless" principal for Storm now includes ${cluster-name} by default. Be sure to check the Ambari Principal names (on the Configure Identities step) when enabling Kerberos. This is very important when upgrading from Ambari 2.0 or earlier to Ambari 2.2

AMBARI-13067 BUG-43905

Kafka Rolling Restart Action

Kafka Service Actions include an option for Rolling Restart of Kafka Brokers. This should be used in lieu of Restart All, which can result in Brokers failing to elect a leader while stopping

AMBARI-9784 BUG-32201

JDK Support

Added support for JDK 1.8 and removed support for JDK 1.6. You must upgrade to JDK 1.7 in your current Ambari before upgrading to Ambari 2.2.

AMBARI-9791 BUG-32223

OS Support

Added support for RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 7 and removed support for RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 5. You must be running RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 6 or 7 before upgrading to Ambari 2.2.

AMBARI-6646 RMP-3096

Rack Awareness

Added support for HDFS Rack Awareness. If you currently configured HDFS for rack awareness using your own topology script, that configuration will stay in place. If you want to switch to use Ambari Rack Awareness features, you will need to update the HDFS property to use the Ambari-generated script: /etc/hadoop/conf/

AMBARI-10506 BUG-33967

SSL Client and Server Configuration

Added support for managing ssl-client and ssl-server HDFS configurations. If you are currently managing these files manually across the hosts in your cluster, you will need to migrate management to Ambari.

AMBARI-12258 BUG-40449 Backup

During Ambari upgrade, the existing file is overwritten and a backup copy of (with extension . rpmsave) is created. If you have manually modified (for example, to change Ambari Server heap), you will need to re-apply your changes to the new file.

AMBARI-10648 BUG-34434


The Ambari Web Dashboard > Heatmaps tab includes a list of all heatmaps available for the hosts and services in the cluster. In addition, each Service that has Heatmaps also include a Service > Heatmaps tab with the list of the heatmaps specific to that Service. For example, HDFS and YARN include a heatmaps tab under their respective Services.

AMBARI-9794 BUG-32000

Config Organization

The new Guided Configs features changes the layout + controls of Service Configs for HDFS, YARN, Hive and HBase. Under the Service > Configs tab, you will see sub-tabs "Settings" and "Advanced". The Settings tab include the most commonly used configuration properties for that service. The Advanced tab includes all other properties (with a layout similar to previous Ambari releases), including the Custom sections where you can add custom properties to a service configuration.


Sudo Usage

When Ambari Agents are configured to run as non-root, Ambari will use sudo to execute commands. Therefore, sudo must be available in order to run non-root Agents. If you are not running a non-root Agent configuration, sudo will not be used to execute commands.


Removed SLES 11 SP1 Support

SLES 11 SP1 or SP3 can be used with Ambari when installing and managing HDP 2.2 or 2.1 clusters. SLES 11 SP1 cannot be used with Ambari installing and managing HDP 2.3. You must use SLES 11 SP3.


HDP 2.1 Support Deprecated

Ambari support for HDP 2.1 is deprecated with Ambari 2.2. Support for these HDP 2.1 will be removed in a future Ambari release.


HDP 2.0 Support Removed

Ambari support for installing and managing HDP 2.0 has been removed. Before upgrading to Ambari 2.2, you must first upgrade to HDP 2.2 using either Ambari 1.7 or 2.0. Once running HDP 2.2, you can upgrade your current Ambari to Ambari 2.2.


HDP 2.1 to HDP 2.2 Upgrade

Ambari 2.1 does not support directly upgrading from HDP 2.1 to HDP 2.2. In order to upgrade from HDP 2.1, you must first upgrade to HDP 2.2 using either Ambari 1.7 or 2.0. Once completed, upgrade your current Ambari to Ambari 2.2.


HDP 2.3.0 and 2.3.2 ATS Support

With newer maintenance releases of HDP 2.3 (2.3.4 or latest), the ATS component of YARN supports a new store configuration. Therefore, if attempting to install HDP 2.3.2 or earlier with Ambari, you will need to modify the store-class used by YARN ATS to work with the earlier LevelDB store. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide for more information.


Internet Explorer Support

Removed support for Internet Explorer 9 and added supported support for Internet Explorer 10.


Kafka Version shows as 0.9.0 with HDP 2.3.2 or 2.3.0

If you use Ambari 2.2 with HDP 2.3.2 or earlier, the Kafka version listed shows as 0.9.0 in Ambari Web under Admin > Services. This is incorrect. The Kafka version is 0.8.2 when using HDP 2.3.2 or 2.3.0. Kafka 0.9.0 is available if using HDP 2.3.4 or later.