2. Behaviorial Changes in Ambari - 1.7.0

Ambari 1.7.0 introduces the following changes in behavior as compared to previous Ambari versions:


Table 2.2. Ambari 1.7.0 Behavioral Changes

Apache Jira

HWX Jira

Issue Title

Description of Behavioral Change



WebHCat server start fails for HDP2.2 if PIG isn't deployed

When deploying HDP 2.2 Stack with Ambari 1.7.0 and you select WebHCat(Hive) for deployment, the Ambari Installer requires you to deploy Pig also.



Default Oracle JDK 1.7 is now u67

As of Ambari 1.7.0, during initial Ambari Server setup, if you select Oracle JDK 1.7, the default JDK is u67. Previously, this was u51.

AMBARI-4671, AMBARI-7166


Support for changing cluster name post-install

Ambari added support for changing the cluster name post-install. The rename option is available from the Ambari Administration interface. Since the cluster name is the unique identifier for the cluster and is used as the /api/v1/clusters/{name} resource in the Ambari REST API, if you do change the cluster name, the API for accessing that cluster will also change accordingly.

Apache Jira

HWX Jira

Issue Title

Description of Behavioral Change



Config type "global" is no longer used

The configuration type "global" has been removed and is no longer used. The configuration properties that were previously part of the global configuration type have been moved into their respective services under a -env config type. When calling the API to adjust configurations, do not use global any longer and use the respective -env config type for the service you are modifying.



Ambari Agent data cleanup includes max size (MB) option

The Ambari Agent data cleanup now includes an option for cleanup based on max size (in MBs). This is in addition to max age. The default setting is 100MB and is set in the ambari-agent.ini configuration file.



Ambari icon and label in upper-left of Ambari Web UI links to cluster dashboard

The Ambari icon and Ambari text-label in upper-left of Ambari Web UI now links to cluster dashboard instead of to Apache Ambari project web site.



Launching NameNode HA wizard is available from HDFS Service Actions menu

As of Ambari 1.7.0, the ability to launch the NameNode HA wizard is available from the Services > HDFS > Service Actions menu. There is no longer an Admin > High Availability section.



Configuration files are generated in sorted order

The configuration files (such as hdfs-site.xml or core-site.xml) will generate the properties in sorted order based on property name.



Background Operations dialog can show more than 10 operation

In Ambari Web, the Background Operations dialog shows the most recent 10 operations by default, with the most recent operation at the top. You can display older operations by clicking to Show More.



Host check for Transparent Huge Page

When registering hosts during initial Cluster Install, or post-install via Add Host, Ambari will check for THP enabled, and if enabled, will warn the user.



ZooKeeper Failover Controller status is shown in HDFS Summary

After configuring NameNode HA, the status of the ZKFC components will be shown on the Services > HDFS Summary section.



Ability to add custom properties in single or bulk mode

When adding custom properties to a configuration via Ambari Web, the Add Property dialog now supports two modes: single or bulk. Single allows you to enter an individual name and value. Bulk allows you to add one or more properties (as key=value pairs).