5. Behavior Changes

Behavioral changes denote a marked change in behavior from the previously released version to this version of software. In HDP 2.3.2, behavioral changes affect the following Hadoop components.


Table 1.3. Tez, YARN

Hortonworks Bug IDApache JIRADescription

If the user sets the option "ALL" for the parameter logFiles, they will get all the logs for the container. In previous versions, the user would get the data from the log file named "ALL" if such a log file existed.

No user action is required.

BUG-44387 Changed the value of yarn.timeline-service.generic-application-history.save-non-am-container-meta-info to false. This config defines if YARN will save container meta-info in the application history store.
BUG-44902 From this maintenance release for new clusters the default value for yarn.timeline-service.state-store-class has changed from LevelDBTimelineStore to RollingLevelDBTimelineStore. This change has been made for scalability and performance reasons, specifically to improve the performance when records older than the ttl interval have to be deleted. One side effect of this change is the removal of the fromTs API.