8.8. Phoenix Known Issues

  • BUG-26661: Windows runs failed with "region isn't co-located with its data" exception

    Problem: The Local Index feature is considered experimental and should not be enabled at this time, except for preview purposes.

  • BUG-28226: Error 504 after upgrading from HDP 2.1 to HDP 2.2.

    Problem: After upgrading from HDP 2.1 to HDP 2.2, queries such as the following generate an ERROR 504: ./psql.py ip-172-31-43-221.ec2.internal:2181 /grid/0/hdp/ 2041/phoenix/doc/examples/WEB_STAT.sql /grid/0/hdp/ 2041/phoenix/doc/examples/WEB_STAT.csv /grid/0/hdp/ 2041/phoenix/doc/examples/WEB_STAT_QUERIES.sql.

    Error detail: org.apache.phoenix.schema.ColumnNotFoundException: ERROR 504 (42703): Undefined column. columnName=INDEX_TYPE

    Workaround: Follow instructions in the "Manual Upgrade to HDP 2.2” document, “Configure Phoenix” section, step 4: replace the client jar file before connecting the new Phoenix client to the Phoenix cluster.