1.3. Configure HiveServer2 Settings

HiveServer2 is used for remote concurrent access to Hive. HiveServer2 settings can be accessed from Ambari >Tez > Configs > Advanced or in hive-site.xml. You must restart HiveServer2 in order for updated settings to take effect.

  • Hive Execution Engine -- Set this to "tez" to execute Hive queries using Tez:


  • Enable Default Sessions -- Uses a default session for jobs using HiveServer2 even if they don’t use Tez. Set this to “true”.


  • Specify the HiveServer2 Queues -- A comma-separated list of queues. For example, to specify queues “hive1” and “hive2”:


  • Set the Number of Sessions in each Queue -- Sets the number of sessions for each queue named in hive.server2.tez.default.queues.


  • Set enable.doAs to False -- We want enable.doAs to be false since this uses the Hive user identity rather than the individual user identities for YARN. This helps with security and reuse.


  • Configure Query Vectorization -- The following two settings help reduce execution time for interactive queries on small datasets, but are also okay for large datasets.


For more information on these and other HiveServer2-on-Tez configuration settings, see Configure Hive and HiveServer2 for Tez.