Chapter 14. Short-Circuit Local Reads on HDFS

In  HDFS, reads normally go through the DataNode. Thus, when a client asks the DataNode to read a file, the DataNode reads that file off of the disk and sends the data to the client over a TCP socket. So-called "short-circuit" reads bypass the DataNode, allowing the client to read the file directly. Obviously, this is only possible in cases where the client is co-located with the data. Short-circuit reads provide a substantial performance boost to many applications.

 1. Prerequisites

To configure short-circuit local reads, you must enable See Native Libraries for details on enabling this library.

 2. Configuring Short-Circuit Local Reads on HDFS

To configure short-circuit local reads, add the following properties to the hdfs-site.xml file. Short-circuit local reads need to be configured on both the DataNode and the client.


Table 14.1. Short-Circuit Local Read Properties in hdfs-site.xml

Property NameProperty ValueDescription this to true to enable short-circuit local reads.
dfs.domain.socket.path/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/dn_socketThe path to the domain socket. Short-circuit reads make use of a UNIX domain socket. This is a special path in the file system that allows the client and the DataNodes to communicate. You will need to set a path to this socket. The DataNode needs to be able to create this path. On the other hand, it should not be possible for any user except the hdfs user or root to create this path. For this reason, paths under  /var/run  or  /var/lib  are often used. property controls whether or not normal data traffic will be passed through the UNIX domain socket. This feature has not been certified with HDP releases, so it is recommended that you set the value of this property to false.
dfs.client.use.legacy.blockreader.localfalseSetting this value to false specifies that the new version (based on HDFS-347) of the short-circuit reader is used. This new new short-circuit reader implementation is supported and recommended for use with HDP. Setting this value to true would mean that the legacy short-circuit reader would be used.
dfs.datanode.hdfs-blocks-metadata.enabledtrueBoolean which enables back-end DataNode-side support for the experimental DistributedFileSystem#getFileVBlockStorageLocations API.
dfs.client.file-block-storage-locations.timeout 60Timeout (in seconds) for the parallel RPCs made in DistributedFileSystem#getFileBlockStorageLocations(). This property is deprecated but is still supported for backward compatibility.
dfs.client.file-block-storage-locations.timeout.millis 60000Timeout (in milliseconds) for the parallel RPCs made in DistributedFileSystem#getFileBlockStorageLocations(). This property replaces dfs.client.file-block-storage-locations.timeout, and offers a finer level of granularity. falseIf this configuration parameter is set, short-circuit local reads will skip checksums. This is normally not recommended, but it may be useful for special setups. You might consider using this if you are doing your own checksumming outside of HDFS. 256 The DFSClient maintains a cache of recently opened file descriptors. This parameter controls the size of that cache. Setting this higher will use more file descriptors, but potentially provide better performance on workloads involving lots of seeks. 300000 This controls the minimum amount of time (in milliseconds) file descriptors need to sit in the client cache context before they can be closed for being inactive for too long.

The XML for these entries:


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