8. Upgrading From HDP 2.1.3 to HDP 2.1.5

This section describes how to upgrade an existing HDP 2.1.3 installation to HDP 2.1.5.

If you are upgrading from a previous HDP version, such as HDP 2.0, follow the complete Stack upgrade instructions to HDP 2.1. See:

Before You Begin

To upgrade from HDP 2.1.3 to HDP 2.1.5, do the following:

  1. Download the appropriate hdp.repo file for your OS:

    RHEL/CENTOS/ORACLE LINUX 5http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP/centos5/2.x/updates/
    RHEL/CENTOS/ORACLE LINUX 6http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP/centos6/2.x/updates/
    SLES 11 SP1http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP/suse11sp1/2.x/updates/

    OR Download the HDP RPMs single repository tarball. (For further information, see the local repository instructions.)

  2. Stop all services.

    If you are managing your deployment via Ambari, open Ambari Web, browse to Services and use the Service Actions command to stop each service.

    If you are upgrading manually, follow the instructions in the HDP 2.1.5 Reference Guide.

  3. Back up Oozie files.

    If you have Oozie installed and running, back up the files in the following directories on the Oozie server host, and make sure all files, including *site.xml files, are copied:

    mkdir oozie-conf-bak 
    cp -R /etc/oozie/conf/* oozie-conf-bak
  4. Upgrade the stack on all Agent hosts.

    The following instructions include all possible components that can be upgraded. If your installation does not use a particular component, skip those installation instructions.

    Operating SystemInstructionsCommands
    RHEL/CentOs/Oracle LinuxIf you have not done so already, stop the Hive Metastore. 

    Upgrade the Hive Metastore database schema. On the Hive host machine, enter:

    $HIVE_HOME/bin/schematool -upgradeSchema -dbType <$databaseType>  -userName
        <$connectionUserName> -passWord  <$connectionPassWord>

    The value for $databaseType can be derby, mysql, oracle, or postgres.

     Upgrade the following components:
    yum upgrade "collectd*" "gccxml*" "pig*" "hadoop*" "phoenix*" "knox*" "tez*" "falcon*" "storm*" "sqoop*"
    "zookeeper*" "hbase*" "hive*" "oozie*" "webhcat*" hdp_mon_nagios_addons
     Verify that the components were upgraded. Enter:
    yum list installed | grep
    SLESIf you have not done so already, stop the Hive Metastore. 

    Upgrade the Hive Metastore database schema. On the Hive host machine, enter:

    $HIVE_HOME/bin/schematool -upgradeSchema -dbType <$databaseType>  -userName
        <$connectionUserName> -passWord  <$connectionPassWord>

    The value for $databaseType can be derby, mysql, oracle, or postgres.

     Upgrade the following components:
    zypper up "collectd*" "epel-release*" "gccxml*" "pig*" "hadoop*" "phoenix*" "knox*" "falcon*" "tez*" 
    "storm*" "sqoop*" "zookeeper*" "hbase*" "hive*" "oozie*" "webhcat*" hdp_mon_nagios_addons    
    zypper up -r HDP-                 
     Verify that the components were upgraded:
    rpm -qa | grep hadoop, rpm -qa | grep hive and rpm -qa| grep hcatalog
     If components were not upgraded, upgrade them:
    yast --update hadoop hive
    Ubuntu or DebianIf you haven't done so already, stop the Hive Metastore. 
     Upgrade the Hive Metastore database schema. On the Hive host machine, enter:
    $HIVE_HOME/bin/schematool -upgradeSchema -dbType <$databaseType>  -userName
        <$connectionUserName> -passWord  <$connectionPassWord>

    The value for $databaseType can be derby, mysql, oracle, or postgres.

     Upgrade the following components:
    apt-get update "collectd*" "gccxml*" "pig*" "hadoop*" "phoenix*" "knox*" "tez*" "falcon*" "storm*" "sqoop*"
    "zookeeper*" "hbase*" "hive-hcatalog*" "oozie*" "webhcat*" hdp_mon_nagios_addons
    apt-get --force-depends bigtop-jsvcyum install bigtop-jsvc 
     Verify that the components were upgraded. Enter:
    dpkg -s HDP-2 | grep HDP-$old-stack-version-number 

  5. If your installation includes tables with Decimal columns that were created on Hive 0.11.0 or 0.12.0, you must migrate those tables. For instructions, see What's changed in Hive. For assistance, contact Hortonworks Customer Support.

  6. Complete the Stack upgrade.

    For HDP 2.1, use the version of Hue shipped with HDP 2.1. If you have a previous version of Hue, follow the instructions for upgrading Hue in Installing HDP Manually.

    If this is an Ambari-managed cluster, update the Repository Base URLs to use the HDP 2.1.5 repositories for HDP and HDP-UTILS. For Ambari 1.6.1 or earlier, enter:

    ambari-server upgradestack HDP-2.1 http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/HDP/{$os}/2.x/updates/ {$os}

    where {$os} is the Operating System Family (OS Family). See the following table:


    Table 1.1. Operating Systems mapped to each OS Family

    OS FamilyOperating System
    redhat5Red Hat 5, CentOS 5, Oracle Linux 5
    redhat6Red Hat 6, CentOS 6, Oracle Linux 6
    sles11SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 sp1

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