2.3. What's changed in Hive

Hive did not change version, but was updated due to dependencies on HBase 0.96.1.

HIVE-6117 BUG-11755 HBase_1 and HBase_2 tests are failing
HIVE-5618 BUG-10220 Hive local task fails to run when run from Oozie in secure cluster
HIVE-5601 BUG-10175 NPE in ORC's PPD when using select * from table with WHERE predicate
HIVE-5515 BUG-9843 Writing to an HBase table throws IllegalArgumentException, failing job submission
BUG-20466 HSBConcurrency test, create_partition.q. fails when it drops a table
BUG-20229 Unable to start Hive metastore service
BUG-20228 Unable to start Hive: havax.jdo.JDODataStoreException Error executing SQL query
BUG-20367 Hive metastore fails to start with "no database named" default exception
BUG-20303 Oozie-Hive jobs are failing with "Delegation Token can be issued only with Kerberos or web authentication"

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