2.4.21. Set Current HDP Version

  1. Restart all services from Ambari. One by one, browse to each Service in Ambari Web, and in the Service Actions menu select Restart All. On the client-only services, such as Tez, Pig, or Sqoop, select Refresh Configs.

  2. After all the services are confirmed to be started and healthy, go to the command line on the Ambari Server and run the following to finalize the upgrade, which will move the current version to the new version.

    ambari-server set-current --cluster-name=$CLUSTERNAME --version-display-name=$VERSION_NAME
    Ambari Admin login: admin      
    Ambari Admin password: *****

    where $CLUSTERNAME is the name of your cluster and $VERSION_NAME is the version name for the HDP version you just upgraded to (for example: HDP-

  3. If your cluster includes Ranger: Use the "Step 2" upgrade catalog you downloaded in the Update Service Configurations section and run the helper:

    python upgradeHelper.py --hostname $HOSTNAME --user $USERNAME --password $PASSWORD --clustername $CLUSTERNAME --fromStack $FROMSTACK --toStack $TOSTACK --upgradeCatalog UpgradeCatalog_2.2_to_2.3_step2.json update-configs [config-type]

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