Administering HDFS
Also available as:

HBase service ports

Note the default ports used by various HBase services.

The following table lists the default ports used by the various HBase services.

Table 1. HBase Service Ports
Service Servers Default Ports Used Protocol Description Need End User Access? Configuration Parameters


Master Nodes (HBase Master Node and any back-up HBase Master node) 16000 TCP The port used by HBase client to connect to the HBase Master. Yes


HMaster Info Web UI

Master Nodes (HBase master Node and back up HBase Master node if any) 16010 HTTP The port for the HBase­Master web UI. Set to -1 if you do not want the info server to run. Yes


All Slave Nodes 16020 TCP The port used by HBase client to connect to the HBase RegionServer. Yes (Typically admins, dev/support teams)



All Slave Nodes 16030 HTTP The port used by HBase client to connect to the HBase RegionServer. Yes (Typically admins, dev/support teams)

HBase REST Server (optional) All REST Servers 8080 HTTP The port used by HBase Rest Servers. REST servers are optional, and not installed by default Yes

HBase REST Server Web UI (optional) All REST Servers 8085 HTTP The port used by HBase Rest Servers web UI. REST servers are optional, and not installed by default Yes (Typically admins, dev/support teams)

HBase Thrift Server (optional) All Thrift Servers 9090 TCP The port used by HBase Thrift Servers. Thrift servers are optional, and not installed by default Yes N/A
HBase Thrift Server Web UI (optional) All Thrift Servers 9095 TCP The port used by HBase Thrift Servers web UI. Thrift servers are optional, and not installed by default Yes (Typically admins, dev/support teams)