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HBase Cluster Management Commands

You can use the common HBase Cluster Management commands to perform operations related to replication.

Table 1. Table of HBase Cluster Management Commands and Descriptions



add_peer <ID> <CLUSTER_KEY>

Adds a replication relationship between two clusters:

  • ID: A unique string, which must not contain a hyphen.

  • CLUSTER_KEY: Composed using the following format:

    hbase.zookeeper.quorum:hbase.zookeeper. property.clientPort:zookeeper.znode.parent


Lists all replication relationships known by the cluster.

enable_peer <ID>

Enables a previously-disabled replication relationship.

disable_peer <ID>

Disables a replication relationship. After disabling, HBase no longer sends edits to that peer cluster, but continues to track the new WALs that are required for replication to commence again if it is re-enabled.

remove_peer <ID>

Disables and removes a replication relationship. After removal, HBase no longer sends edits to that peer cluster nor does it track WALs.

enable_table_replication <TABLE_NAME>

Enables the table replication switch for all of the column families associated with that table. If the table is not found in the destination cluster, one is created with the same name and column families.

disable_table_replication <TABLE_NAME>

Disables the table replication switch for all of the column families associated with that table.