Source, Sink, and Processor Configuration Values
Also available as:

Sink Configuration Values

Table 1. Cassandra
Configuration Field Description, requirements, tips for configuration
General Sink Description This allows users to send events into given cassandra table.
Table Name Name of the table into which events should be written to.
Column Name Column name to which a respective field is mapped.
Field Name Field name to be mapped as respective column name.
Cassandra Configurations- User Name User name to connect to Cassandra cluster.
Password Password to connect to Cassandra cluster.
Keyspace Keyspace in which table exists
Nodes Cassandra nodes configuration to be passed
Port Port number for Cassandra cluster
Row Batch Size Maximum number of rows to be taken in a batch
Retry Policy Class name of the retry policy to be applied. Default value is “DefaultRetryPolicy”. Valid options are "DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy", "FallthroughRetryPolicy" and "DefaultRetryPolicy"
Consistency Level Consistency level at which data is inserted. Default value is: QUORUM, valid values are ["ANY", "ONE", "TWO", "THREE", "QUORUM", "ALL", "LOCAL_QUORUM", "EACH_QUORUM", "SERIAL", "LOCAL_SERIAL", "LOCAL_ONE" ]
Reconnection Base Delay Base delay (in milliseconds) while reconnecting to target.
Reconnection Maximum Delay Maximum delay (in milliseconds) while reconnecting to target.
Table 2. Druid
Configuration Field Description, requirements, tips for configuration
General Sink Description

Druid sink is used to push data Druid data store. This sink uses Druid’s Tranquility library to push data. More details :

Name of the Indexing Service

The druid.service name of the indexing service overlord node.

It is mandatory parameter.

Service Discovery path Curator service discovery path. It is mandatory parameter.
ZooKeeper Connect String ZooKeeper connect string. It is mandatory parameter.
Datasource name The name of the ingested data source. Datasources can be thought of as tables. It is mandatory parameter.
Dimensions Specifies the dimensions(columns) of the data. It is mandatory parameter.
TimeStamp Field Name Specifies the column and format of the timestamp.It is mandatory parameter.
Window Period Window Period takes ISO 8601 Period format ( It is mandatory parameter.
Index Retry Period If an indexing service overlord call fails for some apparently-transient reason, retry for this long before giving up. It takes ISO 8601 Period format ( It is mandatory parameter.
Segment Granularity The granularity to create segments.
Query Granularity The minimum granularity to be able to query results at and the granularity of the data inside the segment.
Batch Size Maximum number of messages to send at once
Max Pending Batches Maximum number of batches that may be in flight
Linger millis Wait this long for batches to collect more messages (up to maxBatchSize) before sending them.
Block On Full Whether send will block (true) or throw an exception (false) when called while the outgoing queue is full
Druid partitions Number of Druid partitions to create.
Partition Replication Number of instances of each Druid partition to create.
Aggregator Info A list of aggregators. Currently we support Count Aggregator, Double Sum Aggregator, Double Max Aggregator, Double Min Aggregator, Long Sum Aggregator, Long Max Aggregator, Long Min Aggregators.
Table 3. Hive
Configuration Field Description, requirements, tips for configuration
General Sink Description Hive sink is used to write data to Hive tables
Metastore URI URI of the metastore to connect to e.g.: thrift://localhost:9083
Database Name Name of the Hive database
Table name Name of table to stream to
Fields The event fields to stream to hive
Partition fields The event fields on which to partition the data
Flush Interval The interval (in seconds) at which a transaction batch is committed
Transactions per batch The number of transactions per batch
Max open connections The maximum number of open connections to Hive
Batch size The number of events per batch
Idle timeout The idle timeout
Call timeout The call timeout
Heartbeat Interval The heart beat interval
Auto create partitions If true, the partition specified in the endpoint will be auto created if it does not exist
Kerberos keytab Kerberos keytab file path
Kerberos principal Kerberos principal name
Table 4. HBase
Configuration Field Description, requirements, tips for configuration
General Sink Description Writes to events to HBase
HBase table Hbase table to write to
Column Family Hbase table column family
Batch Size Number of records in the batch to trigger flushing. Note that every batch needs to be full before it can be flushed as tick tuple is not supported currently due to the fact that all bolts in topology receive a tick tuple if enabled
Row Key Field Field to be used as row key for table
Table 5. HDFS
Configuration Field Description, requirements, tips for configuration
General Sink Description Writes events to HDFS
Hdfs URL Hdfs Namenode URL
Path Directory to which the files will be written
Flush Count Number of records to wait for before flushing to Hdfs
Rotation Policy Strategy to rotate files in Hdfs
Rotation Interval Multiplier Rotation interval multiplier for timed rotation policy
Rotation Interval Unit Rotation interval unit for timed rotation policy
Output fields Specify the output fields, in the desired order
Prefix Prefix for default file name format
Extension Extension for default file name format
Table 6. JDBC
Configuration Field Description, requirements, tips for configuration
General Sink Description Writes events to a database using JDBC.
Driver Class Name The driver class name. E.g. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
JDBC URL JDBC Url, E.g. jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test
User Name Database username.
Password Database password.
Table Name Table to write to.
Column Names Names of the database columns
Table 7. Kafka
Configuration Field Description, requirements, tips for configuration
General Sink Description Kafka sink to write SAM events to a kafka topic
Cluster Name Mandatory. Service pool defined in SAM to get metadata information about Kafka cluster
Kafka Topic Mandatory. Kafka topic to write data to. Make sure that the schema for the corresponding topic exists in SR. The incoming SAM event into Kafka sink should adhere to the version of schema selected
Security Protocol Mandatory. Protocol to be used to communicate with kafka brokers. E.g. PLAINTEXT. Auto suggest with a list of protocols supported by Kafka service based on cluster name selected. If you select a protocol with SSL or SASL make sure to fill out the related config fields
Bootstrap Servers Mandatory. A comma separated string of host:port representing Kafka broker listeners. Auto suggest with a list of options based on security protocol selected above
Fire And Forget? Optional. A flag to indicate if kafka producer should wait for ack or not. Default value is false
Async? Optional. A flag to indicate whether to use async kafka producer or not. Default value is true
Key serializer Optional. Type of key serializer to use. Options are ["String", "Integer", "Long", "ByteArray"]. Default value is ByteArray. Note that this field does not save any key in the kafka message. Incoming SAM event is stored as value in Kafka message with key being null
Key field Optional. Name of the key field. One of the fields from incoming event schema
Writer schema version Optional. Version of schema for topic to use for serializing the message. Default is the latest version for the schema
Ack mode Optional. Ack mode used in producer request for a record sent to server(None|Leader|Min in-sync replicas). Options are [“None”, “Leader”, “All”]. Default value is “Leader”
Buffer memory Optional. The total bytes of memory the producer can use to buffer records waiting to be sent to the server. Default value is 33554432
Compression type Optional. The compression type for all data generated by the producer. Options are ["none", "gzip", "snappy", "lz4"]. Default value is “none”
Retries Optional. Number of retry attempts for a record send failure. Default value is 0
Batch size Optional. Producer batch size in bytes for records sent to same partition. Default value is 16384
Client id Optional. Id sent to server in producer request for tracking in server logs
Max connection idle Optional. Time in milliseconds for which connections can be idle before getting closed. Default value is 540000
Linger time Optional. Time in milliseconds to wait before sending a record out when batch is not full. Default value is 0
Max block Optional. Time in milliseconds that send and partitionsFor methods will block for. Default value is 60000
Max request size Optional. Maximum size of a request in bytes. Default value is 1048576
Receive buffer size Optional. Size in bytes of TCP receive buffer (SO_RCVBUF) to use when reading data. Default value is 32768
Request timeout Optional. Maximum amount of time in milliseconds the producer will wait for the response of a request. Default value is 30000
Kerberos client principal Optional(Mandatory for SASL). Client principal to use to connect to brokers while using SASL GSSAPI mechanism for Kerberos(used in case of security protocol being SASL_PLAINTEXT or SASL_SSL)
Kerberos keytab file Optional(Mandatory for SASL). Keytab file location on worker node containing the secret key for client principal while using SASL GSSAPI mechanism for Kerberos(used in case of security protocol being SASL_PLAINTEXT or SASL_SSL)
Kafka service name Optional(Mandatory for SASL). Service name that Kafka broker is running as(used in case of security protocol being SASL_PLAINTEXT or SASL_SSL)
Send buffer size Optional. Size in bytes of TCP send buffer (SO_SNDBUF) to use when sending data. Default value is 131072
Timeout Optional. Maximum amount of time in milliseconds server will wait for acks from followers. Default value is 30000
Block on buffer full? Optional. Boolean to indicate whether to block on a full buffer or throw an exception.Default value is true
Max in-flight requests Optional. Maximum number of unacknowledged requests producer will send per connection before blocking. Default value is 5
Metadata fetch timeout Optional. Timeout in milliseconds for a topic metadata fetch request. Default value is 60000
Metadata max age Optional. Time in milliseconds after which a metadata fetch request is forced. Default value is 300000
Reconnect backoff Optional. Amount of time in milliseconds to wait before attempting to reconnect to a host. Default value is 50
Retry backoff Optional. Amount of time in milliseconds to wait before attempting to retry a failed fetch request. Default value is 100
SSL keystore location Optional. The location of the key store file. Used when Kafka client connectivity is over SSL
SSL keystore location Optional. The store password for the key store file
SSL key password Optional. The password of the private key in the key store file
SSL truststore location Optional(Mandatory for SSL). The location of the trust store file
SSL truststore password Optional(Mandatory for SSL). The password for the trust store file
SSL enabled protocols Optional. Comma separated list of protocols enabled for SSL connections
SSL keystore type Optional. File format of keystore file. Default value is JKS
SSL truststore type Optional. File format of truststore file. Default value is JKS
SSL protocol Optional. SSL protocol used to generate SSLContext. Default value is TLS
SSL provider Optional. Security provider used for SSL connections. Default value is default security provider for JVM
SSL cipher suites Optional. Comma separated list of cipher suites. This is a named combination of authentication, encryption, MAC and key exchange algorithm used to negotiate the security settings for a network connection using TLS or SSL network protocol. By default all the available cipher suites are supported
SSL endpoint identification algorithm Optional. The endpoint identification algorithm to validate server hostname using server certificate
SSL key manager algorithm Optional. The algorithm used by key manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is SunX509
SSL secure random implementation Optional. The SecureRandom PRNG implementation to use for SSL cryptographic operations
SSL trust manager algorithm Optional. The algorithm used by trust manager factory for SSL connections. Default value is the trust manager factory algorithm configured for the Java Virtual Machine. Default value is PKIX
Table 8. Notification
Configuration Field Description, requirements, tips for configuration
General Sink Description Can be used to send out notifications (currently supports email)
Username The username for the mail server
Password The password for the mail server
Host Mail server host name
Port Mail server port
SSL? If the connection should be over SSL
Start TLS Flag to indicate the TLS setting
Debug? Whether to log debug messages
Email Server Protocol The email server protocol. E.g. smtp
Authenticate Flag to indicate if authentication is to be performed
Table 9. Open TSDB
Configuration Field Description, requirements, tips for configuration
General Sink Description Sink to which events can be written given OpenTSDB cluster.
REST API URL The URL of the REST API (ex: http://localhost:4242)
Metric Field Name Field name of the metric
Timestamp Field Name Field name of the timestamp
Tags Field Name Field name of tags.
Value Field Name Field name of the value

Fail Tuple for Failed Metrics?

Whether to fail tuple for any failed metrics to OpenTSDB
Sync? Flag to indicate whether to sync or not.
Sync Timeout Sync timeout in (milliseconds), this is taken into account only when Sync is true.
Return Summary? Whether to return summary or not
Return Details? Whether to return details or not.
Enable Chunked Encoding? Whether to enable chunked encoding or not for REST API calls to OpenTSDB
Table 10. Solr
Configuration Field Description, requirements, tips for configuration
General Sink Description Enables indexing of live input data into Apache Solr collections
Apache Solr ZooKeeper Host String Info about the zookeeper ensemble used to coordinate the Solr cluster. This string is specified in a comma separated value as follows:,,
Apache Solr Collection Name The name of the Apache Solr collection where to index live data
Commit Batch Size Defines how often the indexed data is committed into Apache Solr. It is specified using an integral number. For instance, if set to 100, every 100 tuples Apache Solr will commit the data