Getting Started with Apache NiFi
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Attribute Extraction

  • EvaluateJsonPath: User supplies JSONPath Expressions (Similar to XPath, which is used for XML parsing/extraction), and these Expressions are then evaluated against the JSON Content to either replace the FlowFile Content or extract the value into the user-named Attribute.

  • EvaluateXPath: User supplies XPath Expressions, and these Expressions are then evaluated against the XML Content to either replace the FlowFile Content or extract the value into the user-named Attribute.

  • EvaluateXQuery: User supplies an XQuery query, and this query is then evaluated against the XML Content to either replace the FlowFile Content or extract the value into the user-named Attribute.

  • ExtractText: User supplies one or more Regular Expressions that are then evaluated against the textual content of the FlowFile, and the values that are extracted are then added as user-named Attributes.

  • HashAttribute: Performs a hashing function against the concatenation of a user-defined list of existing Attributes.

  • HashContent: Performs a hashing function against the content of a FlowFile and adds the hash value as an Attribute.

  • IdentifyMimeType: Evaluates the content of a FlowFile in order to determine what type of file the FlowFile encapsulates. This Processor is capable of detecting many different MIME Types, such as images, word processor documents, text, and compression formats just to name a few.

  • UpdateAttribute: Adds or updates any number of user-defined Attributes to a FlowFile. This is useful for adding statically configured values, as well as deriving Attribute values dynamically by using the Expression Language. This processor also provides an "Advanced User Interface," allowing users to update Attributes conditionally, based on user-supplied rules.