Ambari Managed HDF Upgrade for IBM Power Systems
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General Upgrade Checklist

  • Ensure all services in the cluster are running.

  • Run each Service Check (found under the Service Actions menu) and confirm they execute successfully.

  • Clear all alerts, or understand why they are being generated. Remediate as necessary.

  • Confirm start and stop for all services are executing successfully.

  • Time service start and stops. The time to start and stop services is a big contributor to overall upgrade time so having this information handy is useful.

  • If you are using a local repository, download the software packages prior to the upgrade. Place them in a local repository and/or consider using a storage proxy since multi-gigabyte downloads is required on all nodes in the cluster.

  • Ensure point-in-time backups are taken of all DBs supporting the clusters. This includes Ambari and Ranger databases.