Installing HDF Services on a New HDP Cluster
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Setting up a Local Repository with Temporary Internet Access


You must have completed the Getting Started Setting up a Local Repository procedure.


  1. Install the repository configuration files for Ambari and the Stack on the host.

  2. Confirm repository availability;

    For RHEL, CentOS, or Oracle Linux:
    yum repolist
    For SLES:
    zypper repos
    For Debian and Ubuntu:
  3. Synchronize the repository contents to your mirror server:

    • Browse to the web server directory:

      For RHEL, CentOS, or Oracle Linux:
      cd /var/www/html
      For SLES:
      cd /srv/www/htdocs/rpms
      For Debain and Ubuntu:
      cd /var/www/html
    • For Ambari, create the ambari directory and reposync:

      mkdir -p ambari/<OS>
      cd ambari/<OS>
      reposync -r Updates-Ambari-

      In this syntax, the value of <OS> is centos6, centos7, sles11, sles12, ubuntu14, ubuntu16, or debian7.

    • For Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) stack repositories, create the hdp directory and reposync:

       mkdir -p hdp/<OS>
      cd hdp/<OS>
      reposync -r HDP-<latest.version>
      reposync -r HDP-UTILS-<version>
    • For HDF Stack Repositories, create an hdf directory and reposync.

       mkdir -p hdf/<OS>
      cd hdf/<OS>
      reposync -r HDF-<latest.version>
  4. Generate the repository metadata:

    For Ambari:
    createrepo <>/ambari/<OS>/Updates-Ambari-
    For HDP Stack Repositories:
    createrepo <>/hdp/<OS>/HDP-<latest.version>
    createrepo <>/hdp/<OS>/HDP-UTILS-<version>
    For HDF Stack Repositories:
    createrepo <>/hdf/<OS>/HDF-<latest.version>
  5. Confirm that you can browse to the newly created repository:

    Ambari Base URL


    HDF Base URL


    HDP Base URL





    • <web.server> – The FQDN of the web server host

    • <version> – The Hortonworks stack version number

    • <OS> – centos6, centos7, sles11, sles12, ubuntu14, ubuntu16, or debian7


    Be sure to record these Base URLs. You will need them when installing Ambari and the Cluster.

  6. Optional. If you have multiple repositories configured in your environment, deploy the following plug-in on all the nodes in your cluster.

    1. Install the plug-in.

      For RHEL and CentOS 7:
      yum install yum-plugin-priorities
      For RHEL and CentOS 6:
      yum install yum-plugin-priorities
    2. Edit the /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/priorities.conf file to add the following:
