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Add X-Pack Extension to Elasticsearch

You can add the X-Pack extension to Elasticsearch to enable secure connections for Elasticsearch.

Ensure that Elasticsearch and Kibana are installed. You must also choose the X-pack version that matches the version of Elasticsearch that you are running.
  1. Use the Storm UI to stop the random_access_indexing topology.
    1. From Topology Summary, click random_access_indexing
    2. Under Topology actions, click Deactivate.
  2. Install X-Pack on Elasticsearch and Kibana.
    See Installing X-Pack for information on installing X-Pack.
  3. After installing X-pack, navigate to the Elasticsearch node where Elasticsearch Master and the X-Pack were installed, then add a user name and password for Elasticsearch and Kibana to enable external connections from Metron components:
    For example, the following creates a user xpack_client_user with the password changeme and superuser credentials:
    sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/x-pack/users useradd xpack_client_user -p changeme -r superuser
  4. Create a file containing the password you created in Step 3 and upload it to HDFS.
    For example:
    echo changeme > /tmp/xpack-password
    sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir /apps/metron/elasticsearch/
    sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -put /tmp/xpack-password /apps/metron/elasticsearch/
    sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chown metron:metron /apps/metron/elasticsearch/xpack-password
  5. Pull the most recent HCP configuration to the local file system by running the following on the node on which HCP is installed:
    $METRON_HOME/bin/ -m PULL -o ${METRON_HOME}/config/zookeeper -z $ZOOKEEPER -f
  6. Set the X-Pack es.client.settings by adding it to $METRON_HOME/config/zookeeper/global.json.
    For example, add the following to the global.json file:
      "es.client.settings" : {
          "xpack.username" : "xpack_client_user",
          "xpack.password.file" : "/apps/metron/elasticsearch/xpack-password"
  7. OPTIONAL: Set up SSL connection for Elasticsearch client:
    1. Navigate to a node that has an HDFS client, then create a file containing the password you used for your truststore file and upload it to HDFS.
      For example:
      echo changeme > /tmp/truststore-password
      sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir /apps/metron/elasticsearch/
      sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -put /tmp/truststore-password /apps/metron/elasticsearch/
      sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chown metron:metron /apps/metron/elasticsearch/truststore-password
    2. Add the following properties to es.client.settings in the $METRON_HOME/config/zookeeper/global.json file:
        "es.client.settings" : {
          "ssl.enabled": true,
          "keystore.path" : "$LOCAL_FILE_SYSTEM_PATH",
          "keystore.password.file" : "/apps/metron/elasticsearch/truststore-password"   
      Make sure you do not overwrite the existing es.client.settings properties.
      The truststore.jks file must reside on all Storm supervisor nodes as well as the REST application node.
      For more information about configuring Elasticsearch SSL for X-pack, see Encrypted Communication.
  8. Add the X-Pack changes to ZooKeeper:
    $METRON_HOME/bin/ -m PUSH -i METRON_HOME/config/zookeeper/ -z $ZOOKEEPER
  9. Use Ambari to restart the REST API.
  10. Use the Storm UI to restart the random_access_indexing topology.
    1. From Topology Summary, click random_access_indexing.
    2. Under Topology actions, click Start.