Hortonworks Cybersecurity Platform
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Profiler Properties

Use the Profiler Properties to configure the Profiler.

Table 1. Profiler Properties
Ambari Configs Field. Settings. Description
Kafka Input Topic Start profiler.kafka.start One of EARLIEST, LATEST, UNCOMMITTED_EARLIEST, UNCOMMITTED_LATEST
Profiler Setup Period Duration profiler.period.duration The duration of each profile period. This value should be defined along with profiler.period.duration.units.
Period Units profiler.period.units The units is used to specify the profiler.period.duration. This value should be define along with profiler.period.duration.
Time to Live profiler.ttl If a message has not been applied to a Profile in this period of time, the Profile will be terminated and its resources will be cleaned up. This value should be defined along with profiler.ttl.units. This time-to-live does not affect the persisted Profile data in HBase. It only affects the state stored in memory during the execution of the latest profile period. This state will be deleted if the time.to.live is exceeded.
Time to Live Units profiler.ttl.units The units used to specify the profiler.ttl.
HBase Table profiler.hbase.table The name of the HBase table the profiler is written to. The profiler expects that the table exists and is writable.
HBase Table Column Family profiler.hbase.cf The column family used to store profile data in HBase.
HBase Batch Size profiler.hbase.batch The number of puts that are written to HBase in a single batch.
HBase Flush Interval profiler.hbase.flush.interval The maximum number of seconds between batch writes to HBase.
Storm topology.worker.childopts profiler.topology.worker.childopts Extra topology child opts for the storm opts.
Number of Workers profiler.topology.workers The profiler storm topology storm workers
Number of Acker Executors profiler.acker.executors The profiler storm topology acker execuors
N/A profiler.writer.batchSize The size of the batch that is written to Kafka at once. Defaults to 15 (size of 1 disables batching).
N/A profiler.writer.batchTimeout The timeout after which a batch will be flushed even if batchSize has not been met. Optional. If unspecified or set to 0, it defaults to a system-determined duration which is a fraction of the Storm parameter topology.message.timeout.secs. Ignored if batchsize is 1 because this disables batching.