DSS Administration
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Edit Profiler Configurations

In addition to turning on and off the profiler configurations, the individual profilers can be run with their own execution parameters. These parameters are for submission of the profiler job onto Spark.

The values entered through the interface must be a valid JSON string.
  1. From Profiler > Configs, click the name of the profiler whose configuration you wish to edit.
    Property Description Type Sample
    driverMemory Amount of memory to use for the driver process string 3g
    driverCores Number of cores to use for the driver process int 2
    executorMemory Amount of memory to use per executor process string 3g
    executorCores Number of cores to use for each executor int 8
    numExecutors Number of executors to launch for this session int 8
  2. Edit the profiler and click Save.
Profiler Example
Hive Column Profiler
  "profilerConf": {},
  "jobConf": {
    "samplepercent": "100"
  "queue": "default"
Hive Metastore Profiler
  "profilerConf": {},
  "jobConf": {},
  "queue": "default"
Ranger Audit Profiler
  "profilerConf": {},
  "jobConf": {},
  "queue": "default"
Sensitive Profiler
  "profilerConf": {},
  "jobConf": {
    "sampleSize": "100",
    "saveToAtlas": "true"
  "queue": "default"