Installing DataPlane
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Perform the pre-installation tasks

Complete the pre-installation tasks before you install DP Platform.

Download product binaries

Download the DataPlane repository tarballs (or the product binaries) from the Hortonworks Customer Portal following the instructions provided as part of the subscription fulfillment process. DP Platform and the DP Apps (and related Cluster Agents) are provided as RPMs in tarball repositories.

Check DNS

Your system must be configured for both forward and reverse DNS.

Every host name used with DataPlane must be resolvable by DNS or configured in the /etc/hosts file on the DataPlane container, so that host names can be resolved between all cluster nodes. Using a DNS server is the recommended method, but if the instances are added to /etc/hosts, you must explicitly register the cluster host names within the DataPlane Docker containers. It is not sufficient to have the host names included in the /etc/hosts file on the DP Platform host. See the DP Platform Administration guide for instructions.

If you are using AWS, do not use the public DNS to access DataPlane. Use a public IP address or set up and use a DNS (Route 53) fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

Check ports

The DP Host requires the following ports to be available on the host and accessible via any configured firewall rules:

Port Description
80, 443 The DP Instance Web UI for end-user access. Port 80 is redirected to port 443 for SSL. By default, DataPlane configures a self-signed SSL certificate. Refer to Configuring DP Platform to configure your own certificate. You can change the default ports. See DataPlane Administration for the procedure to change the details of ports.
8500 Used by Consul which handles the Docker container networking. This port is used internally in the DP instance deployment and does not need to be end-user accessible.

Disable SELinux

You must disable SELinux enforcement of permissions before installing DataPlane.

If you do not disable SELinux, then DataPlane will not install and run properly, and you will have to destroy and reinstall the containers.

setenforce 0    #A zero, not a letter
sed -i 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/sysconfig/selinux
The second command prevents SELinux from being automatically re-enabled after a reboot.

Install Docker

Docker containers are used to install DataPlane. You must install either Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) or Community Edition (CE). You might be required to reboot your system after installing Docker.

For general information about installing Docker, see Install Docker.

You can use the latest version of Docker supported by the operating system. RHEL 7.x version comes bundled with Docker 1.13.x, which can be used for installing DataPlane.
For Docker installation instructions for your operating system, access the appropriate Docker instructions:

Make sure you start the Docker service after installation using the following command:

service docker start

Enable IPv6 module at Kernel level

It is recommended that IPv6 module is enabled at the Kernel level and IPv6 is bound to the default ethernet adapter. This ensures the DataPlane NGinx service is reloaded correctly as required by the service.

Configure LDAP

You need access to an enterprise LDAP setup when configuring DataPlane. Refer to Enterprise LDAP requirements for more information on the LDAP settings and options.

Configure external database

By default, DP Platform includes an embedded PostgreSQL instance for testing and evaluation purposes only.

You should configure your DP instance to use an external PostgreSQL instance. We strongly recommend configuring DP Platform with an existing external database when running in production, and not use the embedded PostgreSQL. Refer to Configuring DP Platform for more information.