Installing DataPlane
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Enterprise LDAP requirements

You need your enterprise LDAP settings available the first time you log in to DataPlane in order to configure DataPlane for authentication and authorization. Ensure you have the correct settings available and ready to use as part of your DataPlane setup. The following table details the properties and values you need to know to set up LDAP with DataPlane.

Property Description Example
LDAP URL The hostname and port for the LDAP or Active Directory server ldap://my.ldap.server:389


Upload Certificate File If you are using LDAPS and a self-signed certificate, you need to upload the certificate to DataPlane so that DataPlane can validate the LDAPS connection. SSL certificate file
Administrator Bind DN The Distinguished Name (“DN”) for the manager cn=Administrator,ou=srv,dc=hortonworks,dc=local
Administrator Password The password for the DN Your_password
User Search Base The root Distinguished Name to search in the directory for users ou=Users,dc=hortonworks,dc=local
User Search Attribute cn uid
User Object Class (optional*) The object class that is used for users person
Group Search Base The root Distinguished Name to search in the directory for groups ou=Groups,dc=hortonworks,dc=local
Group Search Attribute The attribute for group name
Group Object Class The object class that is used for groups groupofnames
Group Member Attribute Name The attribute for group membership member