Getting Started
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General DLM requirements and recommendations

Understanding the requirements and recommendations indicated below can help to avoid common issues during and after installation of the DLM service.

  • Be sure to review the Platform Support matrix to confirm you meet the environment and system requirements including Docker and networking.
  • You need to have root access to the nodes on which the DLM App and DLM Engine will be installed.
  • Apache Hive should be installed during initial installation, unless you are certain you will not use Hive replication in the future.

    If you decide to install Hive after creating HDFS replication policies in Data Lifecycle Manager, all HDFS replication policies must be deleted and then recreated after adding Hive.

  • Clusters used in DLM replication must have symmetrical configurations.

    That is, each cluster in a replication relationship must be configured exactly the same for Kerberos, LDAP, High Availability (HA), Apache Ranger, and so forth.