DLM Installation
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Configure DLM Engine for TLS in Ambari

In the Ambari UI, you enable TLS for DLM Engine and update the DLM Engine configuration if settings change.

  1. From the Ambari UI, stop the DLM Engine service.
    DLM Engine>Service Actions>Stop
  2. Navigate to DLM Engine>Configs>Settings and scroll to the Wire Encryption settings.
  3. Toggle the Beacon TLS Enabled switch and enter or modify the appropriate properties:
    • Beacon TLS Port: The TLS listener port.
    • KeyStore Path: Path to the DLM Engine keystore
    • KeyStore Password: Password for the DLM Engine keystore
    • TrustStore Path: Path to the DLM Engine truststore
    • TrustStore Password: Password for the DLM Engine truststore
    • Key Password: Password for the DLM Engine key
  4. Restart the DLM Engine service.
    DLM Engine>Service Actions>Start