Advanced Cloudbreak Configuration
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Configure group authorization

Once user authentication is configured, you should configure which group(s) can access Cloudbreak.

Users (once authenticated) will be granted permission to access Cloudbreak and use the capabilities of Cloudbreak based on their group member. The following describes how to create (i.e. execute-and-map) a group authorization and how to remove (i.e. delete-mapping) an authorization. You should select one set of instructions that is appropriate for your use case:
  • If using the default embedded PostgreSQL database for Cloudbreak, perform the steps under "Embedded database".
  • If using an external database instance for Cloudbreak databases, perform the steps under "External database".

Embedded database

Use these steps if you are using the default embedded PostgreSQL database for Cloudbreak.

To create a group authorization, execute the following (for example: to add “Analysts” group):

cbd util execute-ldap-mapping cn=Analysts,ou=Groups,dc=hortonworks,dc=local

To remove a group authorization, execute the following (for example: to remove “Analysts” group):

cbd util delete-ldap-mapping cn=Analysts,ou=Groups,dc=hortonworks,dc=local

External database

Use these steps if you are using an external database instance for Cloudbreak databases.

To create a group authorization:

  1. Connect to the external database instance.
  2. Select the uaadb database.
  3. Compose a valid INSERT statement by replacing [$REPLACE-WITH-REAL-DATA] with a correct group identifier:
    INSERT INTO external_group_mapping (group_id, external_group, added, origin)
    SELECT id, 'CN=[$REPLACE-WITH-REAL-DATA],OU=[$REPLACE-WITH-REAL-DATA], DC=[$REPLACE-WITH-REAL-DATA],DC=[$REPLACE-WITH-REAL-DATA],DC=com', current_timestamp, 'ldap' from groups where displayname like 'cloudbreak%' or displayname like 'periscope%' or displayname='sequenceiq.cloudbreak.user';
  4. Execute the INSERT statement.

To remove a group authorization:

  1. Connect to the external database instance.
  2. Select the uaadb database.
  3. Compose a valid DELETE statement by replacing [$REPLACE-WITH-REAL-DATA] with a correct group identifier:
  4. Execute the DELETE statement.