Prerequisites on Azure

Before launching Cloudbreak on Azure, you must meet the following prerequisites.

Azure Account

In order to launch Cloudbreak on the Azure, log in to your existing Microsoft Azure account. If you don't have an account, you can set it up at

Azure Region

Decide in which Azure region you would like to launch Cloudbreak. You can launch Cloudbreak and provision your clusters in all regions supported by Microsoft Azure.

Clusters created via Cloudbreak can be in the same or different region as Cloudbreak; when you launch a cluster, you select the region in which to launch it.

Related links
Azure regions (External)

SSH Key Pair

When launching Cloudbreak, you will be required to provide your public SSH key. If needed, you can generate a new SSH key pair:

Virtual Network

You must have a virtual network configured on your cloud provider.

Security Group

Ports 22 (SSH), 80 (HTTPS), and 443 (HTTPS) must be open on the security group

Azure Roles

In order to provision clusters on Azure, Cloudbreak must be able to assume a sufficient Azure role ("Owner" or "Contributor") via Cloudbreak credential:

To check the roles in your subscription, log in to your Azure account and navigate to Subscriptions.

Related links
Built-in roles: Owner (External)
Built-in roles: Contributor (External)

Launching Cloudbreak on Azure

These steps describe how to launch Cloudbreak on Azure for production. Before launching Cloudbreak on Azure, review and meet the prerequisites. Next, follow the steps below.

VM Requirements

To launch the Cloudbreak deployer and install the Cloudbreak application, you must have an existing VM.

System Requirements

Your system must meet the following requirements:

You can install Cloudbreak on Mac OS X for evaluation purposes only. Mac OS X is not supported for a production deployment of Cloudbreak.

Root Access

Every command must be executed as root. In order to get root privileges execute:

sudo -i

System Updates

Ensure that your system is up-to-date by executing:

yum -y update

Reboot it if necessary.

Install iptables

Perform these steps to install and configure iptables.


  1. Install iptables-services:

    yum -y install net-tools ntp wget lsof unzip tar iptables-services
    systemctl enable ntpd && systemctl start ntpd
    systemctl disable firewalld && systemctl stop firewalld

    Without iptables-services installed the iptables save command will not be available.

  2. Configure permissive iptables on your machine:

    iptables --flush INPUT && \
    iptables --flush FORWARD && \
    service iptables save


Perform these steps to disable SELINUX.


  1. Disable SELINUX:

    setenforce 0
    sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' 

  2. Run the following command to ensure that SELinux is not turned on afterwards:


  3. The command should return "Disabled".

Install Docker

Perform these steps to install Docker. The minimum Docker version is 1.13.1. If you are using an older image that comes with an older Docker version, upgrade Docker to 1.13.1 or newer.


  1. Install Docker service:

    yum install -y docker
    systemctl start docker
    systemctl enable docker

  2. Check the Docker Logging Driver configuration:

    docker info | grep "Logging Driver"

  3. If it is set to Logging Driver: journald, you must set it to "json-file" instead. To do that:

    1. Open the docker file for editing:

      vi /etc/sysconfig/docker

    2. Edit the following part of the file so that it looks like below (showing log-driver=json-file):

      # Modify these options if you want to change the way the docker daemon runs
      OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled --log-driver=json-file --signature-verification=false'

    3. Restart Docker:

      systemctl restart docker
      systemctl status docker

Install Cloudbreak on a VM

Install Cloudbreak using the following steps.


  1. Install the Cloudbreak deployer and unzip the platform-specific single binary to your PATH. For example:

    yum -y install unzip tar
    curl -Ls$(uname)_x86_64.tgz | sudo tar -xz -C /bin cbd
    cbd --version

    Once the Cloudbreak deployer is installed, you can set up the Cloudbreak application.

  2. Create a Cloudbreak deployment directory and navigate to it:

    mkdir cloudbreak-deployment
    cd cloudbreak-deployment

  3. In the directory, create a file called Profile with the following content:

    export PUBLIC_IP=MY_VM_IP

    For example:

    export UAA_DEFAULT_SECRET=MySecret123
    export UAA_DEFAULT_USER_PW=MySecurePassword123
    export PUBLIC_IP=

    You will need to provide the email and password when logging in to the Cloudbreak web UI and when using the Cloudbreak CLI. The secret will be used by Cloudbreak for authentication.

    You should set the CLOUDBREAK_SMTP_SENDER_USERNAME variable to the username you use to authenticate to your SMTP server. You should set the CLOUDBREAK_SMTP_SENDER_PASSWORD variable to the password you use to authenticate to your SMTP server.

  4. Generate configurations by executing:

    rm *.yml
    cbd generate

    The cbd start command includes the cbd generate command which applies the following steps:

    • Creates the docker-compose.yml file, which describes the configuration of all the Docker containers required for the Cloudbreak deployment.
    • Creates the uaa.yml file, which holds the configuration of the identity server used to authenticate users with Cloudbreak.
  5. Start the Cloudbreak application by using the following commands:

    cbd pull-parallel
    cbd start

    This will start the Docker containers and initialize the application. The first time you start the Cloudbreak app, the process will take longer than usual due to the download of all the necessary docker images.

    If you encounter errors during cbd start, refer to Toubleshooting.

  6. Next, check Cloudbreak application logs:

    cbd logs cloudbreak

    You should see a message like this in the log: Started CloudbreakApplication in 36.823 seconds. Cloudbreak normally takes less than a minute to start.

Related links

Access Cloudbreak web UI

Log in to the Cloudbreak UI using the following steps.


  1. You can log into the Cloudbreak application at https://IP_Address. For example You may use cbd start to obtain the login information. Alternatively, you can obtain the VM's IP address from your cloud provider console.

  2. Confirm the security exception to proceed to the Cloudbreak web UI.

    The first time you access Cloudbreak UI, Cloudbreak will automatically generate a self-signed certificate, due to which your browser will warn you about an untrusted connection and will ask you to confirm a security exception.

    Browser Steps
    Firefox Click Advanced > Click Add Exception... > Click Confirm Security Exception
    Safari Click Continue
    Chrome Click Advanced > Click Proceed...
  3. The login page is displayed:

  4. Log in to the Cloudbreak web UI using the credentials that you configured in your Profile file:

    • The username is the UAA_DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL
    • The password is the UAA_DEFAULT_USER_PW
  5. Upon a successful login, you are redirected to the dashboard:

Configure external Cloudbreak database

By default, Cloudbreak uses an embedded PostgreSQL database to persist data related to Cloudbreak configuration, setup, and so on. For a production Cloudbreak deployment, you must configure an external database.

Related links
Configure an external database

Create Cloudbreak Credential

Before you can start creating clusters, you must first create a Cloudbreak credential. Without this credential, you will not be able to create clusters via Cloudbreak. Cloudbreak works by connecting your Azure account through this credential, and then uses it to create resources on your behalf.

There are two methods for creating a Cloudbreak credential:

Method Description Prerequisite Steps
Interactive The advantage of using this method is that the app and service principal creation and role assignment are fully automated, so the only input that you need to provide is the Subscription ID and Directory ID. During the interactive credential creation, you are required to log in to your Azure account. (1) Your account must have the "Owner" role (or its equivalent) in the subscription. (2) You must be able log in to your Azure account. To configure an interactive credential, refer to Create an interactive credential.
App-based The advantage of the app-based credential creation is that it allows you to create a credential without logging in to the Azure account, as long as you have been given all the information. In addition to providing your Subscription ID and Directory ID, you must provide information for your previously created Azure AD application (its ID and key which allows access to it). (1) Your account must have the "Contributor" role (or equivalent) in the subscription. (2) You or your Azure administrator must perform prerequisite steps of registering an Azure application and assigning the "Contributor" role to it. This step typically requires admin permissions so you may have to contact your Azure administrator. To configure an app based credential, refer to Create an app-based credential.

Create Interactive Credential

Follow these steps to create an interactive Cloudbreak credential.


Your account must have have an Owner role in order for the interactive credential creation to work.

If your account does not have an Owner role, you must you the app-based credential option instead of the interactive option. To review the requirements for both options. refer to Azure roles.


  1. In the Cloudbreak web UI, select Credentials from the navigation pane.

  2. Click Create Credential.

  3. Under Cloud provider, select "Microsoft Azure".

  4. Select Interactive Login:

  5. Provide the following information:

    Parameter Description
    Name Enter a name for your credential.
    Description (Optional) Enter a description.
    Subscription Id Copy and paste the Subscription ID from your Subscriptions.
    Tenant Id Copy and paste your Directory ID from your Active Directory > Properties.
    Azure role type

    You have the following options:

    • "Use existing Contributor role" (default): If you select this option, Cloudbreak will use the "Contributor" role to create resources. This requires no further input.
    • "Reuse existing custom role": If you select this option and enter the name of an existing role, Cloudbreak will use this role to create resources.
    • "Let Cloudbreak create a custom role": If you select this option and enter a name for the new role, the role will be created. When choosing role name, make sure that there is no existing role with the name chosen. For information on creating custom roles, refer to Azure documentation.

    If using a custom role, use the following role definition, which includes the minimum necessary Action set for Cloudbreak to be able to manage clusters.

    To obtain the Subscription Id:

    To obtain the Tenant ID (actually Directory Id):

  6. After providing the parameters, click Interactive Login.

  7. Copy the code provided in the UI:

  8. Click Azure login and a new Device login page will open in a new browser tab:

  9. Next, paste the code in field on the Device login page and click Continue.

  10. Confirm your account by selecting it:

  11. A confirmation page will appear, confirming that you have signed in to the Microsoft Azure Cross-platform Command Line Interface application on your device. You may now close this window.

    If you encounter errors, refer to Troubleshooting Azure.

    Congratulations! You've successfully launched and configured Cloudbreak. Now you can use Cloudbreak to create clusters.

Related links
Create app-based credential
Azure roles
Troubleshooting Azure
Contributor (External)
Custom roles in Azure (External)

Create App-based Credential

Follow these steps to create an app based Cloudbreak credential.


  1. On Azure Portal, navigate to the Active Directory > App Registrations and register a new application. For more information, refer to Create an Azure AD application.

    Aa an alternative to the steps listed below for creating an application registration, you use a utility called azure-cli-tools. The utility supports app creation and role assignment. It is available at

  2. Navigate to the Subscriptions, choose Access control (IAM). Click Add and then assign the "Contributor" role to your newly created application by selecting "Contributor" under Role and typing your app name under Select (You must type your app name in order to find it):

    This step typically requires admin permissions so you may have to contact your Azure administrator.

    If you are unable to use the "Contributor" role, you can create a custom role by using the following role definition, which includes the minimum permissions required for creating clusters with Cloudbreak.


  1. In the Cloudbreak web UI, select Credentials from the navigation pane.

  2. Click Create Credential.

  3. Under Cloud provider, select "Microsoft Azure".

  4. Select App based Login:

  5. On the Configure credential page, provide the following parameters:

    Parameter Description
    Select Credential Type Select App based.
    Name Enter a name for your credential.
    Description (Optional) Enter a description.
    Subscription Id Copy and paste the Subscription ID from your Subscriptions.
    Tenant Id Copy and paste your Directory ID from your Active Directory > Properties.
    App Id Copy and paste the Application ID from your Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > your app registration's Settings > Properties.
    Password This is your application key. You can generate it from your Azure Active Directory app registration's Settings > Keys.

    To obtain the Subscription Id from Subscriptions:

    To obtain the App ID (actually Application ID) and an application key from Azure Active Directory:

    To obtain the Tenant ID (actually Directory Id) from Azure Active Directory:

  6. Click Create.

    If you encounter errors, refer to Troubleshooting Cloudbreak on Azure.

    Congratulations! You have successfully launched Cloudbreak and created a Cloudbreak credential. Now you can use Cloudbreak to create clusters.

Related links
CLI tools (Hortonworks)
Use portal to create an Azure Active Directory application (External)