1. Configuring Your Cluster for Hive View

Configuring HDFS for Hive

You need to set up an HDFS proxy user for the Ambari daemon account. For example, if ambari-server daemon is running as root, you set up a proxy user for root in core-site.xml by clicking HDFS > Configs > Custom core-site > Add Property. In the Add Property dialog box, you add the following keys and values:







Ambari views use the doAs option for commands. This option enables the Ambari process user to impersonate the Ambari logged-in user. To avoid receiving permissions errors for job submissions and file save operations, you must create HDFS users for all Ambari users that use the views.


If Ambari Server is running as a non-root user, such as 'ambari', and you are planning on using Ambari Views, the following properties in Services > HDFS > Configs > Advanced core-site must be added:


See the Ambari Security Guide for more information about How to Configure Ambari Server for Non-Root.


This view stores user metadata in HDFS. By default, the location in HDFS for this metadata is /user/<user name of logged in user>. Since many users leverage the 'admin' account for getting started with Ambari, the /user/admin folder needs to be created. To do so execute the following commands as the hdfs user:

su - hdfs
hadoop fs -mkdir /user/admin
hadoop fs -chown admin:hadoop /user/admin

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